Listen to our amazing Y3/4 brass band!
Thanks to the Local Authority music service, all of our KS2 pupils are learning to play a brass instrument and I think you will agree that they sound fantastic after a very short amount of time.
To build a musical curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and improved wellbeing.
To promote a love of music and singing across a broadened curriculum.
Education Endowment Fund indicates that the impact of arts participation is positive and improved outcomes have been identified in the core subjects – English, Mathematics, and Science. Research suggests that the arts participation has a greater effect on average for younger learners and, in some cases for disadvantaged pupils and benefits have been found in both primary and secondary schools. Wider benefits include more positive attitudes to learning and increased well-being.
Clear and comprehensive unit planning in line with the National Curriculum.
Teaching and learning should show progression across all Key Stages within the strands of music.
Scope for children’s participation and wider opportunities for performing to greater audiences will be increased and therefore musical benefits greatened.
Musical opportunities will be displayed in school and on school website to showcase and promote love of music. All children get experience of performing to a wider audience e.g. performing in The Wensleydale Tournament.
Children will achieve age related expectations in music at the end of their cohort year.
Children will retain knowledge that is pertinent to music.
Children will participate in wider musical activities.
Opportunities for improved well-being and confidence will be increased.
Children will gain wider audience performance experience.
Children will have heightened awareness of musical opportunities available in and outside of school in the hope that access will be increased.
For more information about music, please contact our subject leader, Miss Charlotte Harper:
Music Development Plan
Curriculum Overview
Click on the image to see our long-term overview