EYFS (nursery and reception)

We welcome children into our well-equipped early years classroom from the term in which they are three. The nursery boasts a free-flow outdoor area together with the latest facilities and equipment indoors across two rooms. It is staffed by Mrs Park, our EYFS teacher, and two experienced teaching assistants.




Robins will flourish and grow emotionally, physically, academically and spiritually.

They will:

  • become passionate readers, writers,  mathematicians, scientists, geographers, historians, artists and musicians
  • begin to understand the idea of Love of God and practice love of neighbour – to include global examples.
  • seek out and celebrate differences
  • develop skills to assess and manage risks when making decisions.
  • learn to negotiate and co operate
  • develop and follow rules
  • take responsibility for their actions (with support)
  • be active and energetic daily
  • be resilient
  • express themselves through art, music, performance and conversation
  • respond to and develop their own high quality questioning
  • understand the beauty and science of seasons
  • value their wonderful environment and begin to understand that other people live in different environments.
  • be safe and loved


Vocabulary takes a lead role in all activities and is developed through adult modelling, specific topic and literacy planning and is reinforced through display and reading.

High emphasis is placed on our emotions board so children learn to articulate their feelings and those of others.

Continuous provision is planned using the Development Matters document in line with the children’s next steps in learning.

We deliver RWInc phonics programme with rigour and fidelity, plus the White Rose maths scheme.

Dedicated weekly RE and music lessons are planned and delivered by teachers

Weekly walks and Forest schools activities deliver active science, geography and history. Plus opportunities to assess and manage risks, persevere and challenge.

Daily biking, climbing and running build up balance, strength and coordination.

Weekly yoga and structured PE and biking lessons provide experience of different sports, many of which can be carried on into adulthood.

Children perform in the Nativity story and The Wensleydale Tournament of song each year.

Children learn all about our RESPECT code and how to follow it.

Children learn to ride a bike

Children are given opportunities to develop their cultural capital.

Inclusion and Equality is vital to enable all children to achieve. Every effort is made to spot and overcome any additional needs as early as possible required for all children to access the curriculum. Partnerships with staff, parents SENCo and outside agencies work to deliver successful learning and achievement.

Leaning is successfully monitored and planned through use of Evidence Me. Data is input by all EYFS staff and gap analysis used  by teachers to plan next activities. This information is shared regularly with parents.

Safeguarding – all staff regularly take part in all required safeguarding activities and are up to date with first aid.


The impact of the EYFS Curriculum is that all children make good progress from their individual starting points.  All children get the best possible start to their school life and develop the knowledge and skills to reach and exceed their potential in KS1.  They develop and nurture strong, positive attitudes where they become proud and respectful of themselves, others, their school  and their environment.

Children, parents and staff  are happy and excited about learning.

Each child leaves feeling proud of having been a Robin and excited to become an Owl.

The Key Person

What is a key person?

Children thrive from a base of loving and secure relationships. In our EYFS setting this can be supported by a key person. A key person is a named member of staff with responsibilities for a small group of children who helps those children in the group feel safe and cared for. The role is an important one and an approach set out in the EYFS framework. It involves the key person in responding sensitively to children’s feelings and behaviours and meeting emotional needs by giving reassurance, such as when they are new to a setting or class, and supporting the child’s well-being. The key person supports physical needs too, helping with issues like nappy changing, toileting and dressing. That person is a familiar figure who is accessible and available as a point of contact for parents and one who builds relationships with the child and parents or carers.

Records of development and care are created and shared by the key person, parents and the child. Small groups foster close bonds between the child and the key person in a way that large groups cannot easily do. These groups allow the key person to better ‘tune into’ children’s play and their conversations to really get to know the children in the group well. Children feel settled and happy and are more confident to explore and as a result become more capable learners.

Of course, in our setting, all members of our team will care for and support your child, but his/her named key person has a special level of responsibility for the care of your child.

Who is my child’s key person?

School will contact you and make sure you know who your child’s named key person is. If you have forgotten or are unsure, please contact school.


We are proud to be able to offer full time nursery provision for those who want it. Those families who are entitled to 15 or 30 hours’ funded child care may take this up (or part of it) in our setting. The Nursery operates daily in two main sessions: 

  1.  From 9.00am to 12.00pm
  2.  From 12:30pm to 3:30pm 

Nursery children are also welcome to stay for lunch. Further details about costs and entitlement are available from our school office and we will happily advise you on how to explore your funding and entitlement options with the Local Authority and Government, especially if this is your first experience of early years’ provision for your child(ren). 

Feel free to contact school to make a no-obligation appointment to come and have a look round. 

 Please click on the links to download a copy of the latest Prospectus / Information Pack.

For more information about our EYFS at the BAWB Federation, please contact our Early Years Teacher:

Mrs Mary Park (based at Bainbridge) [email protected]


Click on the document icon to open a copy

Nursery Prospectus 2024/5
EYFS Long Term Plan – Autumn 2024