Special Needs Provision (SEND)
November 2022: please click here to read a North Yorkshire Partnership Newsletter, co-produced by inclusion, Parent Carer Voice, Health, Children and Families, H&S, Public Health, Education & Skills, SINDIASS, and Youth Voice.
At the Bainbridge, Askrigg and West Burton Federation, we believe that all children and young people are entitled to an appropriate education, one that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential. It is intended for them to achieve their best and become confident individuals, living fulfilled lives and making a successful transition from our school. All children will, irrespective of their need, be given access to the full range of the curriculum and be supported to access that whether through reasonable adjustments, extra resources or other support.
All staff work to support children to meet their needs in order for them to access the curriculum, learn and develop. School practice is in line with our Special Educational Needs Policy and our Special Educational Needs Information report. They are supported by experienced senior leaders and the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator who help to monitor the learning and the provision for the children in their class as well as offering offer advice, support and guidance in meeting the children’s needs. The support for the children is done through a range of provisions (see the Whole School Provision Map) and we are constantly seeking other ways to support children as needs arise.
Children (and their parents) with Special Educational Needs feel supported in their learning in school. They have access to support for specific needs which are documented through their Individual Provision Maps (IPMs). Children can articulate what support they have, whether or not this is successful and understand how they can support themselves in learning. For the most part, children meet their targets from their IPMs. If this does not happen, the provision is adjusted and amended and other and further support and provision is put in place. In general, children with Special Educational Needs are happy and confident in school.
The SENCo for the BAWB Federation is Ms Vicky Collins (Email address:- [email protected])
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