The Curriculum
We use White Rose maths, a scheme of learning that meets all the National Curriculum guidelines in a fun, inclusive and age-appropriate way. It is designed to support primary children to have fun with maths, exploring everything from times tables and number bonds to money and multiplication.
Our daily maths session follows this structure:
- Times tables
- Recall of previous learning (known as ‘Flashback Four’)
- The main focus (e.g. algebra, shape, measurement, etc)
- Problem-solving
We believe that a regular and consistent approach will help our children to embed key skills and will afford them the opportunity to revisit and develop these key skills over time.
We follow the ‘mastery approach’ promoted by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics.
The Mastery Approach assumes everyone can learn and enjoy mathematics and develops learning behaviours that support pupils to reason and to make connections. Lessons are designed to link small steps of learning in order to ensure secure progression in children’s understanding.
Our maths lead, Hollie Telford, is part of the Yorkshire Riding Maths Hub ‘Teaching for Mastery’ programme and our children and staff benefit from the expertise she has gained from this.
Hollie can be contacted on: