
The Curriculum

Our maths curriculum is organised in such a way that the daily maths session will usually cover three main aspects of maths:

  1. Times tables (approx. 5 minutes)
  2. Calculation methods (approx. 15 minutes)
  3. The main focus (e.g. algebra, shape, measurement, etc)

We believe that a regular and consistent approach will help our children to embed key skills and will afford them the opportunity to revisit and develop these key skills over time.

We use the highly effective Archimedes Maths Hub planning which provides explicit opportunities for children to develop their skills in three key areas:

  • Fluency
  • Problem-solving
  • Reasoning

In every lesson, children are given a choice over the tasks they choose. Teachers provide three different levels of difficulty for each learning objective and invite children to choose the task that best suits their confidence. If they succeed, they can move onto a harder task. This enables children to progress at their own pace.

Mental Maths

We strongly believe that good mental maths skills are the basis for developing confident mathematicians. In every class, there is a daily focus on mental maths which is directly linked to our ‘Space Mission’. Please read our letter to parents for more information. Children have daily opportunities to practise and assess their mental maths skills, develop their speed and accuracy, and progress through the mission. You are also encouraged to support your child’s learning of instant recall facts at home.

Calculation Methods

We have a consistent approach to the use of written calculation methods (see ‘calculation guidance’) which is designed to give children accurate and efficient methods with which to tackle more complex problems.

Problem Solving and Reasoning

Children deepen their understanding of maths through problem solving and applying their knowledge to real-life situations. Our children are explicitly taught strategies for problem solving and reasoning, including systematic methodology and algebra, and are exposed to problem-solving tasks every day, if they are ready for them. We also ensure that they have plenty of opportunities for problem-solving and reasoning throughout the curriculum.

For more information about maths, please contact our subject leader, Miss Vicky Collins (based at West Burton): [email protected]

Curriculum Overview

Click on the image to see our long-term overview

Addition and subtraction calculation policy
Multiplication and division calculation policy
Progression document