Flu Immunisation

Dear Parents and Carers of YR – Y6 Pupils Please find attached letters regarding the flu immunisation programme.  The Healthy Child Team will be coming in to Bainbridge and Askrigg schools on 4th October to administer the immunisations.  The team will attend West Burton 23rd November. If you wish your Read more…

17th September 2021

Pupil of the week Robins Oscar, for making a real effort to follow our RESPECT code. Oscar has lovely manners and has listened very carefully in class. Owls Theodore, for a fantastic start to year 1, demonstrating effort and enjoyment in all areas, particularly PE. Golden Eagles Holly Manock, for Read more…

Robins weekly update

Phonics: The reception children have all been excited and engaged about starting their phonics- it has been lovely to see. They are learning the sounds m,a,s,d,t this week and have been practising saying words with these sounds in, in ‘Fred talk’, e.g. “m-a-t”, “s-a-d”. Each Friday they will take home Read more…