Weekly Newsflash! 7th June 2024
Coming up next week…
Monday | – Y4 Geography Trip – After School Sports Club |
Tuesday | – EYFS Balance Bike Sessions – Y6 Top Up Swimming – After School Forest Skills |
Wednesday | – After School Singing |
Thursday | – Y6 Residential Information Evening (details to follow) – PTFA Meeting @ The Falls Cafe, Aysgarth |
Friday | – After School Science Club – After School Cycle Club |
Headteacher’s Message
Dear Families,
The weather might not be as seasonal as we would wish but summer is definitely upon us. I have seen lots of children honing their egg and spoon skills in preparation for sports day and our Year 5 and 6 girls enjoyed a super cricket competition at Leyburn this week, acquitting themselves admirably both on the pitch and off.
We are looking forward to ‘Move Up’ day on July 1st, when our children will have a taster day in their new classes. This year it will be particularly exciting as one of the classrooms in the former SureStart Centre at Askrigg will be ready for the children to learn in! The Year 6 children will be able to experience their new classroom for the first time. The Year 5 classroom will not be ready at that point but our Year 5 children will be able to go and have a look round it. We have decided to call this new part of the Askrigg building ‘The Annexe’ and work to get it ready for September is well underway; we are confident that it will be ready in plenty of time. It is going to be a lovely addition to the school.
Finally, some sad news to share. Gemma Gurden, our Senior Administrator, has decided to leave us at the end of June. Gemma has worked tirelessly over the past five years and is an integral part of our team. We are going to miss her greatly. Luckily, she will still be with us as a parent and has even offered to come and help us out occasionally if needed. We are so grateful to her for everything she has done for the schools.

Admin Team Message
As you will have just read, we are so sad to announce the departure of our wonderful senior administrator, Gemma. She has been an integral part of the BAWB Federation for almost five years, and we are going to be lost without her when she leaves us in two weeks! Luckily she is not heading too far away – literally next door! She has taken up a development role at Yorebridge Sports & Leisure to support and develop the provision this local charity brings to our community. We know that she will be an incredibly valuable asset to their team, as she has been in ours. We sure you will join us in congratulating Gem and wishing her the very best of luck! If you’re reading this Gemma, you better still pop in for a cuppa!
D-Day Commemoration at St. Oswald’s Church, Askrigg
On Thursday 6th June, the Golden Eagles, Herons and Merlins visited St Oswald’s church for a commemorative event to remember the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The children impressed Rev Dave with their knowledge of the events of Operation Overlord and then took part in a number of activities.
The children made paper airplanes to remember the 11,000 planes involved in Operation Overlord – congratulations to William, whose plane flew the furthest. Prayer ribbons were tied in the church yard and candles were lit in church. The act of remembrance was concluded with poems written and presented by some of the Golden Eagles.

Swaledale Festival
On Monday, Askrigg was visited by Natrio Ensemble, a fabulous trumpet trio who play both natural and modern trumpets. The children throughly enjoyed getting involved with the wonderful musicians, and a great time was had by all! Thank you so much to the wonderful Swaledale Festival for giving our BAWB pupils this fab opportunity!

Thursday 13 June – PTFA Meeting – 7:30 – The Falls Coffee Shop

Sunday 23rd June – Car Treasure Hunt & BBQ, Askrigg Primary School
Sunday 7 July – Car Boot Sale, West Witton
Safeguarding Item

Autism Central
Autism Central is a free programme commissioned by the NHS which provides high-quality and accessible autism information, education and coaching for families and carers. The programme is delivered by Daisy Chain in the North East and Yorkshire.
As well as group and individual coaching and support, we provide regular online and in-person learning opportunities and support sessions covering a variety of topics relating to autism.
All our online sessions are free and open to families living in the North East and Yorkshire NHS region.
Virtual Support Sessions – AC – Daisy Chain (daisychainproject.co.uk)

It’s all about space in the Robins this week! We have talked about gravity and life on a space station and we have learnt about Neil Armstrong.

We have shared lots of different fiction and non fiction Space and alien stories and the children have loved making rocket pictures by printing with different shaped blocks.

We released our butterflies before the half term break. We thought carefully about a safe place to let them go and decided it would be good to release them near lots of leaves and plants on the big playground. It was exciting to see them fly away!

The children have been practising throwing and aiming balls and beanbags at different targets, with accuracy. Ollie practised over and over and was fantastic at scoring 3 points!

Mr Stokes had a very special birthday over the school break so we celebrated in school by singing happy birthday and he got a very yummy cake too!


In maths we compared 2 digit numbers in the final lesson of our place value unit, we added the correct symbol to show this using the vocabulary equal to, less than and greater than, i have been very impressed with the owl’s confidence working with numbers to 100, understanding the value of the digit in each number and what it represents.

We are now learning about money, sorting and recognising coins and knowing the value of each coin.

Our Swallows showed their musical prowess this week with their fabulous

This week the Kingfishers have had another busy week and have done a range of run activities. In geography this week we have started our new topic on Rio and south east Brazil. We started off the unit by investigating and locating the countries and capitals of South America.

We use hero books to develop our typing skills to help recap our previous computing topic.

We have also been learning a new spelling rule all about silent letters and played a range of games to help support our understanding of these spellings including a game called magic finger where your partner writes the word on your back and you have to guess which word it is.

In maths this week we finished our unit on shape. Here are children were working out how many cubes it would take to build different cuboids.

Golden Eagles
The Golden Eagles have had a fantastic start to the final half term.
On Monday we were very lucky to be visited by Nick, Joe and Will, a group of musicians taking part in Swalefest. They were very impressed with the children’s knowledge of brass instruments and even allowed a few children to conduct them as they played. Thank you to Nick, Joe, Will and the organisers of Swalefest!

In PE, the Golden Eagles have started a new unit on cricket, the children had lots of fun playing mini games of cricket and learnt new vocabulary – Howzat!

The Golden Eagles looked at different types of teeth and what they tell us about the diet of different animals including humans. This pigs skull had sharp and pointy teeth for ripping and tearing and large flat teeth for grinding, telling the children that it was an omnivore.

Geography Trip on Monday
Please can children wear appropriate footwear for Monday’s school trip and bring sun hats, sun cream and waterproofs. We will also be having a picnic lunch so if anyone can lend a picnic blanket it would be much appreciated.
This week we have started our new DT topic, looking at pulleys and gears. The Herons investigated creating different pulley systems to lift heavy weights, recognising which designs made the lifting easier or more difficult (and which designs resulted in bent axles!)

To kick off the final half-term of Primary School, the Merlins created a piece of artwork based around their new Power of Reading book, ‘Happy Here’. The children created a collage of pictures that make them happy – the artwork has been a great start to our English working wall.

In design and technology, the Merlins have been looking at pulleys and gears. Together, we discussed what pulleys and gears were and where we would find them in everyday life. The children were then given the opportunity to explore pulleys and gears and using wheel to create motion.

This Week’s Awards:
Pupil of the week | |||||
Robins (Nursery) | Isla for choosing to join in with PE and really enjoying it. Isla is enthusiastic and super speedy (receiving certificate in Bainbridge assembly). | ||||
Robins (Reception) | Ronnie for being a helpful friend. Ronnie has chosen to help others that have needed help with a big tidying up job, on quite a few occasions this week. Well done! | ||||
Owls (Y1) | Jonathan for effort in maths, using his knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to problem solve. | ||||
Swallows (Y2) | Oscar for his enthusiasm and positive attitude in English. Oscar has been really challenging himself with his reading and writing recently and is showing great progress as a result | ||||
Kingfishers (Y3) | Theodore for being a kind and thoughtful member of the class. A great role model! | ||||
Golden Eagles (Y4) | Sidney for fantastic resilience on his return to school and great effort and enjoyment in cricket. | ||||
Herons (Y5) | Tristan for showing an excellent attitude to learning in all subjects. | ||||
Merlins (Y6) | Eliza for her effort and enthusiasm during bikeability, Eliza has decided to bike to school this week – making healthy choices and helping the environment, well done Eliza! Toby for his impressive efforts in English and persevering to write his poem. |
Headteacher’s Awards | |
Bainbridge | Johnny for a friendly, enthusiastic approach to school life. |
Askrigg | Arthur for a great work ethic. He actively participates in everything school has to offer. |
West Burton | Ava for an admirably mature approach to challenging situations (knowing when to ask for help and being brave enough to do so). |
Good Samaritan Awards | For courage, care, compassion (for the children, from the children). | Nominated by |
Swallows | Rocco for being a good friend and giving him a helping hand up during football. | Aidan |
Oscar for helping him when he had a bad ankle. | Sammy | |
Kingfishers | Martha for helping her with a tricky spelling in class. | Lizzy |
Sammy for being willing to play with anyone and everyone. | Theodore | |
Herons | Hugo for helping him in maths. | Callum |
Lily for making her feel happy. | Lydia | |
Lily-Anne for helping her in maths. | Lily |
Other | |
Tidiest Classroom | Swallows |
Best School Library | West Burton |
House Point Winning Team | Red Squirrels |
Best Class Attendance | Kingfishers |