Robins weekly update

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The reception children have all been excited and engaged about starting their phonics- it has been lovely to see. They are learning the sounds m,a,s,d,t this week and have been practising saying words with these sounds in, in ‘Fred talk’, e.g. “m-a-t”, “s-a-d”. Each Friday they will take home the sound sheets of the sounds they have been learning that week, to practise recognising and writing with you at home. I think they will be excited to show you what they have learnt!

Autumn walk:

We enjoyed a walk with the Owls on Monday, where we looked for early signs of Autumn. We spotted some changing leaves on trees and on the ground and different berries. It will be great for the children to observe more seasonal changes as we continue our weekly walks. Thank you to the children that have been excited to share some beautiful Autumn leaves on our nature table, from home. Please do encourage your child to bring in anything else, especially Autumn related. Is it too early to find conkers?


We have spent lots of time thinking about ‘Ourselves’ this week. We have been painting portraits, doing circle time where we discuss our favourite things and bathing and caring for our ‘babies’. We have also been encouraging children to think about and share their feelings. We have read a beautiful story called ‘The Colour Monster’ this week, which has really helped support children’s understanding of what different feelings can look like. On a morning we encourage children to place their photo card onto the mirror, underneath the feeling word that best represents how they feel, or into a coloured bowl where each coloured bowl represents a different feeling (yellow-happy, blue-sad, green-calm, red-angry, black-worried). The children know they are free to move their photo when they experience a different emotion, and we have been taking the time to keep checking the ‘feelings area’ so we can talk to individuals about how they are feeling.

The EYFS Team

Categories: Robins News