Weekly Newsflash! Friday 12th July

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Monday– Y2 – Y6 children taught at Askrigg
– Y6 Residential to Humphrey Head
Tuesday– Y2 – Y6 children taught at Askrigg
– Y6 Residential to Humphrey Head
Wednesday – Y2 – Y6 children taught at Askrigg
– Y6 Residential to Humphrey Head
Thursday– Y2 – Y6 children taught at Askrigg
– Y6 Residential to Humphrey Head
Friday– Y2 – Y6 children taught at Askrigg
– Y6 Leavers Assembly – 2pm
– Y6 Leavers Fair – 3:30pm


Headteacher’s Message

Dear families,

Thank you so much to the many parents who came along to our Celebration Assembly at West Burton village hall yesterday. It was lovely to come together and to say a proper goodbye to some of our staff who are leaving us at the end of this term and to celebrate the achievements of our pupils, not least those who performed as part of singing club. We definitely have some budding musicians among us!

There will be no Celebration Assembly next week. However, we have a Leavers’ Assembly at Askrigg School at 2pm on Friday 19th July. Due to space restrictions, this will only be for the children who are leaving us at the end of term and their families. If parents of the leavers would like to a sibling to attend, we are very happy to accommodate that. However, please could you make your own collection arrangements as the shuttle buses won’t be running until the end of the day. Thank you.

Following the assembly, there will be a Year 6 Leavers’ Fair at Askrigg School and all families are invited! The Year 6 children will be running stalls with lots of fun activities, including the famous Bric-A-Brac stall. If you have any Bric-A-Brac laying around, we would really appreciate donations! Please come along and support them, it is always a fantastic event.

I would also like to let you know about a new summer club that is on offer. Nic Scarr, our wonderful yoga teacher, has kindly offered to put on some summer yoga and mindfulness crafting sessions. As with our other clubs, the school is very happy to provide some financial support for pupil premium children and any other families who feel they would find it difficult to pay for a holiday club for their child. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you think this would be helpful, I can be contacted directly on [email protected]. Full details of the club and timings are below.

Finally, I would also like to say welcome to two new members of the team! 

This week, we appointed Charlotte Norton to be our new teacher in Year 3 & 4. She absolutely shone during throughout a rigorous interview process and we have no doubt that she is going to be a wonderful addition to our staff team. Many of you will already know Charlotte as she has done a lot of supply teaching for us over the past couple of years and her daughter attended West Burton School.

We also have a new governor, Colin Anderson. He has been appointed as the Yorebridge Education Foundation Governor and takes over from Ross Cadman. Colin has two children in Year 6 and another in nursery. He lives locally in Askrigg. Colin brings with him experience in financial services and management accounting, having worked in banking, estate agency and business management. In his spare time, Colin can be seen running around the hills of the Dales. Colin says, “My desire as a Governor is to ensure the children are happy and flourish in this beautiful corner of Yorkshire.” 

PTFA Message

The PTFA would like to say a huge thank you for all your support this year. Most recently for last week’s car boot sale which raised around £750. Thank you to everyone who helped, had a stall, baked beautiful cakes or came along to buy. We want the PTFA to be something all families want to get behind and support so please fill in our survey to help us know how you feel about it HERE.

We already have a couple of dates for September for you! 

Sunday 15 September – fun run at Askrigg School 

Thursday 19 September – tour of the newly refurbished annex at 6:30-7:00 followed by the PTFA AGM at 7:00-7:30. This will give you an idea of what we’ve achieved over the last year and is when this year’s committee steps down and the committee for the following year is elected. Please come along!

School Lunches – Autumn 2024

It’s that time again! If you haven’t already please click HERE for the online form to select your child’s preferences for next term (September).



Our uniform is provided by SchoolShop. The uniform policy can be found here – please note that there is no expectation to buy new uniform, this is purely your choice. Please utilise the preloved uniform that our wonderful PTFA organises, just contact the office to have a rummage (or ask us to on your behalf!)


As we are now approaching the end of the school year, please can all parents check their ParentPay accounts for any outstanding balances or discrepancies. We really appreciate your co-operation.

Yorebridge Summer MUGA offer for families


Summer Clubs

During the summer there will be several fab clubs available!

Woodland Activity Sessions – Mr Stokes – Askrigg (Coleby Hall) – August

Summer Yoga and Mindful Craft Club – Nicolene Scarr – Askrigg Primary School – July & August


Multi Sports Summer Club – Mr Bullock – Askrigg Primary School – Wednesday 24th & Thursday 25th July


Summer Science Club – Becca – Bainbridge Primary School – Wednesday 31st July


Get creative with the Summer Reading Challenge 2024!

Children can once again sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge at their local library during the holidays. This year the theme is Marvellous Makers and is all about firing up imagination through the power of reading and creative expression. 

The challenge for children is to read 6 library books of their choice and collect special stickers and other prizes along the way – everyone who finishes will receive a limited-edition Marvellous Makers medal and a certificate. Any child aged 4 to 11 can join in and the challenge runs from Sat 13th July until Sat 7th Sept.

There will also be a fantastic programme of activities in libraries all summer, many of them free, to go with the challenge – families can find out what’s happening locally by contacting their library, or on the website Summer Reading Challenge | North Yorkshire Council, or on local library Facebook pages.

Day in the Dales



Mrs Middleton helped the children play a fun game, where they had to make a path to reach the treasure before the Ogre got there first and ate them up! The children were great at rotating the paths so they could join. This was a great way to help promote the use of positional language that we have been focussing on in our Maths recently. 

Den building with adaptations following risk assessment.
Making rainbows!
Exploring our shadows.
How many will fit in our tin boats before they sink?!
Our first harvest of beans! Verdict: YUMMY!


Some fantastic tennis skills demonstrated this week in PE, maybe they’ve been picking up some tips from Wimbledon!

In geography this week the owls have been learning about Ordnance Survey maps and looking at the symbols found on OS maps. They had to match photos to the correct symbols, some were very tricky to work out.

Kingfishers at Marrick!!

Golden Eagles at Marrick!


The fabulous vehicles that we have been working on in DT. Here they are in action!

This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
Robins (Nursery)Jacob for his amazing creativity in the craft area and when building models with construction toys. Jacob has some fantastic ideas!
Robins (Reception)Joshie for consideration of his peers, thinking of creative ways to cheer them up when they are sad.  
Owls (Y1)Rosie for her amazing effort and progress in reading.  She has worked so hard and her fluency and confidence have really developed. Well done Rosie!
Swallows (Y2)Aimee for consistently following all aspects of the RESPECT code. Aimee is a model pupil and sets a fantastic example to all her peers every day.
Kingfishers (Y3)Lizzy for embracing every aspect of Marrick Priory, giving her all and being a real role model to everyone.  
Golden Eagles (Y4)Douglas for outstanding effort, determination and resilience in all aspects of school life.
Herons (Y5)Rory for fabulous effort in English, resulting in some superb creative writing 
Merlins (Y6)Katie

Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeCaleb for his consistent good manners and hard work. A wonderful role model! 
AskriggJake for relentless positivity. He is always friendly and never leaves anyone out.
West BurtonSidney for his excellent manners. He always makes an effort to say hello and to ask how you are. 

Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
KingfishersLizzy for helping her put her sheets on her bed at Marrick.Martha
Aidan for encouraging him when climbing.Theodore
Sammy for helping him with making his bed.Myles
Golden EaglesFearne and Maisie for cheering her up when she was feeling homesickElsie
Maciek for helping him find his water bottle.Douglas
Sylvi and Fearne for checking she was ok when she bumped her head.Isla
Sylvi for helping her find her things she bought at Marrick after she lost them.  Lizzy
Isla and Matilda for trying to cheer up someone who was homesick at Marrick.  Rosie
Jake for helping him make his bed at Marrick.Archie
HeronsJacob for helping for finding Callum’s lost key.Callum
Hugo for helping Callum in Maths.Callum

Tidiest ClassroomSwallows
Best School LibraryBainbridge
House Point Winning Team Dormice
Best Class AttendanceSwallows and Kingfishers – 100%