Weekly Newsflash! 20th December 2024
Coming up next week…
IT’S CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAAS!! Pupils will return on Tuesday 7th January. Clubs will start the following week. |
Headteacher’s Message
Dear families,
As I write this, I can hear ‘Last Christmas’ playing from the hall where the children are having their Christmas party. I have even heard some of the staff singing along – there is a real end of term ‘buzz’ in the air. It has felt very seasonal at the schools over the last week, with Christmas dinners, jumpers and party outfits helping us all to get into the Christmas spirit!
Of course, we are already preparing for next term. If you would like a preview of what your children will be learning, please have a look at the class pages where you will find an overview of the spring term curriculum for each age group.
Next term, our Newsflash is likely to look different as we are introducing a new, more secure, method of sharing photographs, events and information. On Monday 6th January, parents will receive an invitation to Class Dojo, an education technology company that allows teachers to share photographs and information with the children and their families in their class. This information can only be accessed by parents who are directly invited to the class and is therefore a lot more secure than information shared on a website. The system has been trialled by our Year 6 class and their families over the past few weeks and has been a big success. We hope you enjoy it. As a result of this, we are going to streamline and refresh our Newsflash – watch this space!
Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff for their hard work over the very long term. As is typical at this time of year, there are some nasty coughs and colds doing the rounds but our dedicated team have all pulled together to cover one another during illness and help one another through. I feel very grateful to have such a lovely group of teachers, teaching assistants and administrators.
Merry Christmas to all our families, friends and pupils. I hope you have a wonderful break and I look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year.

After School Clubs
- Monday 13th January – 24th March: N/R/Y1 Sports Club – Bainbridge – SIGN UP HERE
- Tuesday 14th January – 25th March: Y3-Y6 Forest Skills – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
- Tuesday 14th January – 25th March: R-Y6 Singing Club – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
- Wednesday 15th January – 26th March: Y2-Y6 Sports Club – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
- Thursday 16th January – 27th March: R-Y6 Mrs Martin’s Movie Club – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
- Friday 17th January – 28th March: Y1 – Y6 Science Club – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
Christmas Dinner Day!
We had a fantastic Christmas Dinner at Askrigg on Thursday – our cook Gillian served up a delicious turkey dinner with all of the trimmings! Thank you for the yummy feast!

We rounded off the festivities with a roaring rendition of ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas!’
Today we’ve had our Christmas parties, and we’ve had an absolute BALL! Look at these big smiles from our Robins and Owls 😀

The Swallows’ Christmas party today was a smash hit – a mini Christmas disco filled with party game classics like musical statues, musical bumps, and corners! We also had a ‘strawberry lace race’, (a child beat all the grown-ups!) and played the ‘After Eight game’, shuffling an After Eight down from your forehead into your mouth… with no hands… Mr Martin won that one!

We have finished making our Christmas decorations this week in Robins- we think they look amazing!

The Reception Robins have been making CVC words in phonics with magnetic letters.

We made some reindeer food. The children are very excited about sprinkling it outside on Christmas Eve!

In science this week we investigated floating and sinking, predicting what we thought would happen. We then explored how some materials absorb water that can make objects slowly sink.

On Tuesday the Robin and Owl classes walked to Sycamore Hall to sing and bring festive cheer to the residents. They sang a number of Christmas songs including their favourite ‘When Santa got stuck up the chimney’. We were super impressed by the children, with their wonderful singing and impeccable behaviour!
We all enjoyed our Christmas dinner, it was delicious.

As well as lots of festive fun this week, the Swallows have continued to work hard.
In science we continued our exploration of plants, carefully taking apart, observing and labelling the different parts of a flowering plant and discussing what they were for.

For our final PE lesson, we worked as teams playing lots of fun games. Mr Martin graciously stepped in to make the number even but had to be given a slight disadvantage for being too enthusiastic!

Golden Eagles
In the Golden Eagles this week, the children made latkes to celebrate Hanukkah! We chopped the potatoes, mixed the batter, added the ingredients together and fried in hot oil. It was a thumbs up 10 out of 10 and we didn’t set off the fire alarm!

The Golden Eagles also looked at some objects that are used in Judaism.

100 tokens equals a fab treat!! The Golden Eagles made slime and LOVED it!

A fun filled last week of the term for the Herons this week.
At the end of last week some of our girls travelled to Richmond Secondary School to take part in the second round of the girls football. The girls played fantastically well and managed to finish 4th overall.

On Monday, we ventured back to Richmond to watch the panto. The children had a great time watching the performers and being part of the show.

We have also had a fantastic time at the Christmas shop buying gifts for our loved ones and some for ourselves. We also got to go on ClassDojo for the first time and we loved it.

Check out ClassDojo for updates!