Weekly Newsflash! 13th December 2024
Coming up next week…
Monday | – Pantomime (Richmond Georgian Theatre) – no PE taking place on this day, please wear uniform. |
Thursday | – Christmas Dinner Day – Clarinet Lessons |
Friday | – Christmas Party Day – wear your best party outfit! – BREAK UP FOR CHRISTMAS 🙂 |
After School Clubs
- Monday 13th January – 24th March: N/R/Y1 Sports Club – Bainbridge – SIGN UP HERE
- Tuesday 14th January – 25th March: Y3-Y6 Forest Skills – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
- Tuesday 14th January – 25th March: R-Y6 Singing Club – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
- Wednesday 15th January – 26th March: Y2-Y6 Sports Club – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
- Thursday 16th January – 27th March: R-Y6 Mrs Martin’s Movie Club – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
- Friday 17th January – 28th March: Y1 – Y6 Science Club – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
Headteacher’s Message
Dear families,
As I write, we are preparing for our second performance of Angel Small following a magical evening at St Oswald’s on Thursday. It was wonderful to see so many of you there and to see the children relishing the opportunity to perform in front of an audience. All the staff have worked incredibly hard to put the nativity together and the many kind comments we received from the families made it all worthwhile.
I also must express my gratitude to the PTFA and all the children, staff members and parents who helped – and shopped – at the Christmas Fair at Askrigg village hall last Sunday. This annual event is a really important fundraiser for the school, as well as being a super community get-together. I was touched by the number of people who gave their time to make it successful. The PTFA were also hard at work at our nativity, providing refreshments for adults and children at the end of the performance. Thank you!
We are very much looking forward to more festive celebrations next week with our panto, Christmas dinners and Christmas parties still to come. Our youngest children will also be making their annual visit to Sycamore Hall in Bainbridge to sing carols to the residents, an beautiful event that captures the true spirit of the season.
I hope you all enjoy a relaxing weekend.
Best wishes,

Christmas Performance

Crib Service at St. Bartholomew’s Church

Christmas Cinema! St. Margaret’s Church, Hawes
Christmas-Cinema-EventStage 1 Cycles
Stage1Cycles have 2 spaces available on their FEAST ACTIVITY 3rd January 9-4pm for those families that are eligible for vouchers.
This activity is suitable for primary school children. It is aimed at those that CAN pedal independently. We will start the day with a cycle scavenger hunt looking for snowflakes. We will then make our lunch together and other Christmas healthy baking. In the afternoon we will take part in an intro to forest school session including safely lighting fires, building shelters and cooking some of the food we have made. We will be using the inside of our site and shelters to manage the challenging winter weather . (please book via the Holiday Activity Platform using your FEAST voucher). Transport is available for families to book if they need help getting children to us.
Tips for a More Neuro-Friendly Christmas 🎄
The holiday season can be a magical time, but for autistic children, adults, and their families, Christmas can also bring unique challenges. Changes in routine, an increase in social activities, and sensory overload from lights, sounds, and decorations can create a difficult environment for those who thrive on predictability and calm.
Add to that the pressures of gift-giving, unfamiliar foods, and heightened expectations, and it’s no wonder Christmas can feel overwhelming. So how can we make the holiday season enjoyable for everyone? Here are some practical tips to help make this Christmas more autism-friendly:
🎄Stick to Regular Routines Whenever Possible
The predictability of routines is a comfort for many autistic people. Keeping things as consistent as possible can help reduce anxiety.
🎄Use a Visual Schedule
Create a calendar or visual timetable to map out events, mealtimes, and quiet times. This can help prepare everyone for what’s coming and make transitions smoother.
🎄Talk to Family and Friends in Advance
Explain what autism means for your family and share any adjustments that will make the day more manageable. This could include quieter gatherings or avoiding unplanned surprises.
🎄Create a Quiet Area
Designate a sensory-friendly space where your child can retreat to if they need a break from the hustle and bustle.
🎄Do Presents Your Way
Traditional gift-giving may not work for every family. Open presents at a quieter time, or spread them out over a few days to avoid sensory overload.
🎄Prepare a Christmas Dinner Everyone Can Enjoy
Don’t stress about traditional menus. Prepare foods your child loves and is comfortable with—it’s about celebrating together, not the menu.
🎄Prioritise Your Child’s Needs
It’s okay to say no to events or traditions that don’t work for your family. Putting your child’s needs first benefits everyone in the long run.
🎄Create Your Own Traditions
Forget perfection. Find what works for your family and build traditions that bring joy to all of you.
Every autistic person is unique, so these ideas may need to be adapted to suit your family. Hopefully, they’ll inspire you to find ways to make Christmas a little calmer, a little brighter, and a lot more enjoyable for everyone. Wishing you all a peaceful and joyful Christmas, The PINS Team 🎄❤️
The reception children have been learning all about 6, 7 and 8 in Maths! In the ‘6’ lesson, the children made 6 using pom poms and fine motor tools, found the 6 numicon and had a go at writing the numeral 6 on the whiteboard!

What a fantastic train track! The Robins children worked together to make sure the train track was stable for the trains and warned people to be “VERY careful” when walking past it!

A very Christmassy week this week! Christmas jumper day, Christmas decorations for the BAWB tree in St Oswald’s Church and a lovely collective worship talking about the angels led by Rev Dave.

During playtime the Owls set up their own game of ‘tidy your room’ that they often play in PE with Mr Bullock. We were very impressed how carefully they set up he equipment and organised themselves for the game.

On Monday this week, the Owls attended a Skip2B fit workshop at Catterick Leisure Centre, they all tried really hard with their skipping, getting better every time they did the 2 minute challenge.

In maths we have been revisiting number bonds to 10, recording them as number sentences.

The Swallows have finished their DT projects, adding pods and final decorations before evaluating their own Ferris Wheel and that of their friends, considering how they would make it better next time.

In PE the Swallow’s started their lesson on Monday focusing on hand skills, dribbling and shooting basketballs but when it got too cold and wet we came indoors and switched to wellbeing with some Christmas yoga. In Wednesday lesson we focused on core strength and balance.

As part of our RE lesson, the Swallows took turns hot seating as different characters from the Christmas story to consider how they were feeling and what they would be thankful for at Christmas. The Swallows went on to consider what Christians might be thankful for at Christmas.

Whilst there has been lots of hard work this week, we also found time to make 3D Christmas cards.

Golden Eagles
Sorting conflicts peacefully after learning about Mahatma Gandhi.

Does the longest footprint have the biggest area?

We have had a lovely Christmas Jumper Day in Golden Eagles, visiting the Christmas Shop and making our beautiful Christmas Cards!

A big congratulations to Sammy, who is excelling at swimming!

A busy and festive week for the Herons. We have enjoyed buying gifts at the Christmas shop. In DT this week we finished off our soft toys. I’m sure you’ll agree this hobby horse if an amazing effort. In PSHE we looked at things we valued and considered the question ‘Does money matter?’

Please see Class Dojo for any updates from the Merlins – and please give us feedback too! 🙂