Weekly Newsflash! 4th October 2024

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Monday– Sibling Photographs (for siblings taught in different schools/younger siblings)
^ 8-8:30am at Bainbridge
– Individual and Sibling Photographs (if your child usually has PE on a Monday, please send them to school in their normal uniform, and send PE kit separately)
– N/R/Y1 Sports Club @ Bainbridge
Tuesday– EYFS Balance Bike Sessions
– Forest Skills Club @ Askrigg
Wednesday – Singing Club @ Askrigg – please note, singing club finishes at 4:10pm
– Y2/3/4/5/6 Sports Club @ Askrigg
Thursday– Clarinet Lessons
– Cycle Club @ Bainbridge
Friday– Science Club @ Askrigg


Headteacher’s Message

Dear families,

What a lovely Harvest service we had at St Andrew’s church today. It was so nice to celebrate together and to enjoy the children’s artwork, poems and readings. Thank you very much to Rev’d Tom and Rev’d Dave for their ongoing support of our schools and for all their enthusiasm and care.

The staff and I met to discuss parent teacher consultations this week. We would like to make them more useful, with assessment data available to share so we can work with you to address any difficulties in a timely way, as well as celebrating the children’s achievements with you. With that in mind, we would like to change the timing of these consultations so that they now happen at the beginning of the spring term, when all the assessment data from the end of the autumn term will be available. This year, they will happen on the week commencing 20th January. Our admin team will be in touch as normal to arrange bookings. As this will be later than usual, I would like to remind you all that you are welcome to come and chat to us at any time about your child – you don’t have to wait until parent teacher consultations! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you feel it would be helpful to speak to the class teacher or to me before those spring meetings.

We have also made some changes to our Christian Vision. As you are aware, we had a survey before the start of term in which we asked you to pick five important values for our schools in this modern world. The results are in! The five values that came out as most important to our communities were:

  • kindness
  • respect
  • compassion
  • courage
  • creativity

The next job was to work those into a vision statement that will mean something to our pupils and will be easily remembered by them. The staff, governors and I have developed this wording:

Inspired by the compassion of the Good Samaritan, we

treat one another with respect and kindness,

using courage and creativity as we grow and learn.

The children have already begun learning about this – why not ask them how much they can remember?

Cross Country @ Richmond School

This week some of our students attended the annual cross country event at Richmond School. We were extremely lucky with the weather and all had a fantastic time. 

The children were ambassadors for our federation and can be proud of both their performances and their behaviour. 

The children showed lots of the aspects of our PE Golden Thread which was great to see, including: encouragement, self management and respect. 

GTA Vacancy

We are hiring! A vacancy for a General Teaching Assistant (based at Askrigg in the first instance) is available – for information, please take a look HERE. The closing date is Monday 7th October.

PTFA Pumpkin Disco

Volunteers are needed, and are much appreciated. Please get in touch if you are available 🙂 Please also find the minutes from the latest PTFA meeting HERE.

Yorebridge Sports & Leisure – *Free* CPR AND De-Fib TRAINING


ADHD parent webinar hosted between WiMT and CAMHS – North Yorks



This week in Robins, we have:

In maths, looked at how much different containers can hold and used the vocabulary- “This holds the most and this holds the least”. 

Had a nature hunt for signs of autumn in our outdoor area.

With our autumn leaves, did leaf rubbings.

Finished our family tree paintings
Even though unconventional, played with cars in the sink and imagined they were submarines!


In RE this week the Owls have been learning about different types of prayers, they worked in groups to create their own prayers.

In science we explored our sense of taste and tried savoury, sweet, sour, bitter and salty foods, can you guess which type the children are eating here!


The Swallows have earned a silly hat day under our new behaviour scheme. On Monday, children can bring and wear a hat – silly or otherwise! We’re looking forward to seeing what hats the children decide to sport!

The Swallows have had a very exciting week! In science we have started a new unit on humans and how we can stay healthy. On Monday, the children used comparative and fair testing to investigate which exercises raised their heart rate the most and on Tuesday they identified classified and grouped foods based on whether they were healthy or unhealthy.
In computing we have been looking at Information Technology in the world around us. The Swallows explored how IT works together in the world by pretending to be IT equipment in a shop. The barcode reader used the barcode to identify the item the customer had brought, the price checker identified the cost, which was then added up and “printed” as a receipt.
In History we were very lucky to have a primary source in school. Mrs Dinsdale visited our class and told us about her childhood holiday, the children were then able to investigate the source and find out more by asking their questions.
This week also saw the launch of the Swallows’ new reward scheme. As a class the children will earn tokens towards a class treat. A great way that children can earn tokens is to read at home. Each child who reads every night for a week will earn a token towards the class treat, reminding children of this could be a great way to encourage reading at home!

Please can parents send in any paper souvenirs (for example, postcards or tickets) that the children can glue into a scrapbook of favourite holiday memories in our next lesson.

Golden Eagles

In Golden Eagles this week, we have been setting the scene with charcoal for our interpretation of The Jabberwocky!


Another week has flown by in the Herons class, where has that time gone. We have had a fantastic week and produced lots of brilliant work. In science we planned an experiment on water resistance and can’t wait to find out the results this week when we get to test our predictions. 

We also had some real success in cross country with Sylvi winning the Y5 girls race.

In maths this week, we have had a real push on problem solving and gaining mastery over a skill. 
In English, we have been looking at writing a newspaper report and have been looking at feature of a report in preparation for writing our own reports next week. 
Reading is our fave!
We have also been preparing our drama piece for our Harvest Festival on Friday. 


We have had such a lovely week in the Merlins. 

We introduced our affirmation mirror, tackled some very tricky maths questions and enjoyed a French session in the sun. On the mirror, we each wrote a word from the affirmation station that we see in ourselves when we look in the mirror. This has made our calm corner even more personalised. We are very much looking forward to sharing our Harvest poems tomorrow at church.