Weekly Newsflash! 27th September 2024

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Monday– N/R/Y1 Sports Club @ Bainbridge
Tuesday– EYFS Balance Bike Sessions
– Forest Skills Club @ Askrigg
Wednesday – Y3- Y6 Cross Country @ Richmond School
– Singing Club @ Askrigg – please note, singing club finishes at 4:10pm
– Y2/3/4/5/6 Sports Club @ Askrigg
Thursday– Clarinet Lessons
– Cycle Club @ Bainbridge
Friday– Harvest Festival @ St. Andrew’s Church, Aysgarth
– Science Club @ Askrigg


Headteacher’s Message

Dear families,

As I write this, our children are playing happily in the sun on the school field; it is so nice to see a bit of Autumnal sun after a week of heavy rain. As always, we haven’t let the weather dampen our spirits and our indoor playtimes have been enjoyed by all, perhaps most notably by our teaching assistant Mrs Handley who has been demonstrating her impressive dance moves during the Just Dance sessions in the hall!

I need to share some sad news. One of our teaching assistants, Abbey Teasdale, has decided to move onto pastures new. She hasn’t been with us a long time but she has made a big impact and will be sorely missed. I’m sure you’ll all join me in wishing her all the best as she explores new ventures. She will be leaving on 17th October and we are in the process of advertising for another TA, although we will be lucky to get one as good as Abbey!

Thank you to those of you who have filled in our short homework survey. I will be using this to re-develop our homework policy so it will be really useful to have as many views as possible. If you haven’t yet contributed, please click here to have your say.

Unfortunately, the planned BAWB Fun Run on Sunday October 13th has been cancelled due to low entries. I will be rearranging this for the summer term – perhaps the warm weather might entice a few more participants!

Did you know that we have lots of preloved uniform for sale at Askrigg? Please contact our admin team if you’d like to come in and have a look through it. We also welcome donations of uniform. All proceeds go to the PTFA.

Finally, some dates for your diaries. The children have been practising hard for our Harvest service at St Andrew’s in Aysgarth next Friday (please see an email that has been sent out by our admin team regarding timings and collection arrangements). We are also looking forward to our Christmas nativity on Friday 13th December which will be in church and will involve all the year groups. We also have a pantomime at the Georgian Theatre in Richmond on Monday 16th December, Christmas dinner day on Thursday 19th December and our Christmas parties on the 20th December, which will be the last day of term.

GTA Vacancy

We are hiring! A vacancy for a General Teaching Assistant (based at Askrigg in the first instance) is available – for information, please take a look HERE. The closing date is Monday 7th October.

PTFA Pumpkin Disco

Volunteers are needed, and are much appreciated. Please get in touch if you are available 🙂 Please also find the minutes from the latest PTFA meeting HERE.

Yorebridge Sports & Leisure – *Free* CPR AND De-Fib TRAINING


Upper Wensleydale Benefice – Pathfinders

Last Sunday our ‘Pathfinder’ group took part in a family sponsored  walk around Semerwater and so far have raised over £164 for Cancer Research! Funds are still coming in.

We had a great time together and were all ready for a wonderful BBQ burger at the end. 

If you would like to support the team financially in their effort then please contact the Church Office on [email protected] , call 667553 or drop an envelope through the Vicarage door marked ‘Cancer Research’

Thank You. Rev Dave 


In Robins this week, we have been talking about autumn and thinking about the changes of the seasons. We have enjoyed sharing a book, and understanding that the leaves change colour to red, yellow and brown, and the weather getting colder and wetter. The Reception Robins also enjoyed talking about and drawing their favourite animal, demonstrating some excellent speaking and listening. The anteater was a particularly good drawing!

We have also thought about our families – naming the members of our family that we live with, and also extended family who might not live with us. We have put them together in a family tree – involving some messy hand painting!


The weeks are flying by in the Owls, time flies when you’re having fun!

In science this week we have been exploring sound, we went on a sound walk.  The children were very good at hearing even the quietest of sounds.

In history we have been comparing photos of us when we were younger to photos of us in year 1 and using the vocabulary past and present.

In  maths we have been super impressed with the children’s understanding of greater than, less than and equal too, using the correct symbols to show this.


Rain, rain, go away, come again another day! On our soggy Monday we stopped inside to practise our jumping techniques, linking different jumps together. The Swallows even started learning how to triple jump – we may have some future Jonathan Edwards and Naomi Metzgers in the class!

On Wednesday, we managed to get back outside to continue working on our football skills and teamwork in particular. This led to some soggy feet and a barefoot maths lesson!

We are continuing to be inspired by nature in our art lessons. The children drew shells using continuous line drawing and then put on blindfolds to draw knobbly sticks using their sense of feeling to “observe” the sticks. I promise that we didn’t sneak out for a cup of tea whilst the children were drawing.

Golden Eagles

In our history lesson this week we looked at some replica prehistoric artefacts from the Stone Age and Bronze Age.  We discussed how they were made and what they might have been used for.

The Golden Eagles are plant detectives!  As part of our Science lessons we have been grouping and classifying living things.  This week we went outside to look at flowering and non-flowering plants and identified deciduous and evergreen trees around the school field.


Another busy week for the Herons. We have completed our unit on place value in maths and have now moved on to addition and subtraction. In English we edited our persuasive letters and began learning the features of newspaper articles. 

We have enjoyed swimming and have been looking at combining skills for attacking and defending in our other PE lesson on football. 

We have also been preparing our drama for the harvest festival. 

In music we continued our work on clarinets.
In science we investigated air resistance.


In maths this week, the Merlins have been exploring multiplication and division. We looked at prime, squared And cubed numbers. When looking at squared numbers, we used visual representations to support understanding and therefore enhanced our mathematical thinking.