Website review

We are aware that some of you have been finding our website difficult to navigate and it isn’t always as intuitive as you’d like in terms of the location of information. In September, as part of a wider re-launch of the parent forum, we will be inviting you to share Read more…

Heatwave Response

As the temperature begins to rise and the forecast for tomorrow and Tuesday remains concerning, we have now confirmed the decision to postpone sports day until Wednesday. We may have to make amendments to the format depending on the availability of parent volunteers; Mr Greenway will be in touch. In Read more…

8th July 2022

Pupil of the week Robins Cecelia, for making responsible learning choices and showing good listening. Owls Martha, for her impeccable behaviour during our trip to Saltburn, a great role-model. Golden Eagles Arthur, for taking responsibility for his learning by applying prior knowledge to his science predictions. Merlins Declan, for taking Read more…

1st July 2022

Pupil of the week Robins Joshua J, for great progress in talking and trying new activities. Owls Myles, for his positive attitude to all learning,  always listening carefully and working hard to complete tasks. Golden Eagles William B, for enjoyment and excellent attitude for learning in PE. Merlins Willow, for Read more…