Bainbridge Parish Jubilee Competition

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Bainbridge Parish Council have formed a small committee of local residents to plan how the Parish will mark the Platinum Jubilee.   As part of the plans, they would like to invite pupils from the BAWB Schools to take part in a painting competition.  Details of this are given below:-

  • Paintings should be the child’s depiction of HM The Queen
  • Entries will be invited from three age groups – 5 years and under; 6-8 years and 9- 11 years – all pupils at BAWB Schools
  • Entries should be made on A4 white paper
  • The name and age of the entrant should be written on the reverse of the entry (not visible from the front)

All entries will be collected from Bainbridge School by a representative of the Parish Council on Wednesday 25th May.  They will be judged by a local resident and then displayed in the marquee which will be erected on Bainbridge Village Green for the celebrations over the Bank Holiday weekend.
Kind regards
Karen Prudden
Clerk to Bainbridge Parish Council