Weekly Newsflash! Friday 3rd May

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Monday– PTFA May Day Draw
Tuesday– Forest Skills Club
Wednesday – Singing Club
Thursday– Cycle Club
Friday– Non Uniform Day for CoppaFeel!
– Science Club


A bittersweet goodbye! Thank you Irina ♡

We were very sad this week to bid farewell to our wonderful cleaner and caretaker at Bainbridge. Irina has been with us for 13 years and was a wonderful member of our team. We will miss her greatly. We would like to say a huge thank you and wish her well in her retirement…. a well-deserved rest after cleaning up glitter and muddy carpets for all those years!

Non-Uniform Day for CoppaFeel!

A big thank you to Dr Jo Quinton who visited all three of our schools this week to talk about her next fundraising challenge in support of Coppafeel, the breast cancer awareness charity. In May, Dr Quinton will be attempting to trek a marathon in one day through the Yorkshire Dales and we would love to support her! Next Friday, all the children are invited to dress up in the colour scheme of the charity (see image below) or in the colours of the rainbow in return for a small donation. The donations can be given to their class teacher, our admin team or can be paid directly to Dr Quinton’s JustGiving page.

St Oswald’s Church, Askrigg

Askrigg Bingo Night!

Askrigg Scarecrow Competition


Don’t forget, the May Day raffle will be drawn at Bainbridge Park at 11am on Monday 6 May. Please come along, and why not bring a picnic and stay for a play? 

Pre-loved uniform – our stock of uniform is now homed at Askrigg School. There will be several chances to buy before the end of the school year, but you can also contact school at any time. If you have donations, please send them in to school. 

Please find the minutes for the latest PTFA meeting HERE.

Dates for your diary:

Upper Wensleydale Benefice Newsletter

Please note that the time of the Public Meeting in Askrigg, regarding the church tower, has been pushed back by half an hour in order for more people to attend – therefore this meeting will now be on Wednesday 8th May from 5pm to 6.30pm.


Vacancies at BAWB:

For more information about current vacancies, please click HERE.

Cycling for All





This week in the adventures of BAWB Robins: how can we make the balls go up the ramp as well as down? This has been one of our favourite activities this week! We have been exploring the forces of physics. Speed is a key factor in sending the balls up a chute. We have found that a long, steep slope helps build up enough momentum.

In the Robins classroom, we have caterpillars in class. Whilst we are waiting for them to metamorphose we have been making symmetrical butterflies.

Making slime is one of our favourite investigations in EYFS. We use different ingredients . The most important ingredient is the activator.

The children have worked hard to remember to make a plan of their models before they start making them in our craft area. They have been thinking hard about the materials they will need to use and what their finished model will look like. They have even started labelling their plans! 
In Maths the reception children are focussing on numbers to 20. They loved playing this game with a partner where one of them had to work out the total number of eggs in 2 egg boxes when their partner added 1,2 or 3 eggs to the empty egg box. Is the total 11,12 or 13?


In maths we have been finding quarter of a quantity, making four equal parts.

In PE the children continued to work as a team, this time with the added excitement of the newly painted track on the field!

In science this week we have been looking at wild and garden flowers within our local environment, the challenge was to find three different types of flowering plants within their hoop.  We talked about the categories and compared the flowering plants we found.  We also looked closely at the blossom on the fruit trees.


This week in the Swallows, we used one of our phonics books to teach us how to make a model bird! We think these are some pretty perfect examples!!

In RE this week, the Swallows did an activity called “Passing the Smile”. The children sat in a circle and practised their best smiles to then ‘pass on’ – this is to remind everyone that smiling is a simple thing that can make someone feel hthis was a lovely activity and as you can see from the photos, we definitely have some winning smiles on show!!


This week, the Kingfishers have been looking at how the pyramids were built. Unfortunately, our budget can’t stretch to a real visit to Egypt, nevertheless our children loved exploring tombs virtually. 

In maths this week we have been looking at time. This has been a tricky unit for us but we’re still managing to do lots of wonderful problem solving. 

In English, we’ve been recapping high frequency words and played a range of games from snap to snakes and ladders to make it more fun.

As part of our science unit on plants we have been observing change over time. Here we are measuring and observing changes to our plants and hypothesising why some have grown more than others. 

Golden Eagles

Another fantastic week in the Golden Eagles with occasional flashes of sunshine! In PE the Golden Eagles continue to work on their tennis skills, moving from the ready position to hit the ball into a target area with accuracy.

The Golden Eagles practised their classification skills in science, working scientifically to classify sweets and animals.

Data loggers were used in computing to measure the light, temperature and sound in different areas of the classroom.


What a fabulous time the Year 5s had at The Wensleydale School last Thursday. Music, problem solving and baking – what a great day. I’m just a little disappointed that I didn’t get to taste any of the delicious looking buns!


In preparation for their English moderation, the Merlins have spent some time looking through some writing examples from other, anonymous children. We discussed the grade we thought the child deserved based on their quality of writing and use (or lack of) grammatical features in their writing. The Merlins gained a good insight into the criteria they must meet and the standard of writing for each grade in moderation.

We used our knowledge gained from this lesson to edit and improve our own work.

This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
Robins (Nursery)Bethan for her attention to detail when creating her model in the craft area.
Robins (Reception)Jay for being such a kind and caring friend. 
Owls (Y1)Albert for a positive approach to all areas of learning.
Swallows (Y2)Ben for excellent work ethic in the maths unit (time) and supporting his peers in a polite manner.
Kingfishers (Y3)Aidan for enjoyment and enthusiasm during science experiments.
Golden Eagles (Y4)Anna for fantastic use of vocabulary and prior learning to classify animals in science.
Herons (Y5)Harry for working with great focus and resilience in maths.
Merlins (Y6)Arthur for his passion and love for reading.  

Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeGrace for being polite and kind and a positive influence in our school. 
AskriggZoey for an enthusiastic approach to school life.
West BurtonJames for his enjoyment of maths, even on the playground! 

Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
OwlsLexi for letting her have a place in front of her in the line and finding her squishy ball for her Ceci
Swallows Ada for cheering her up at lunch. Ada was nominated again for being kind to Olivia. Lizzy
KingfishersRosie and Martha for helping her when she was feeling sad.Olivia
Myles for always reminding him of things he has forgotten in lessons.Sammy
Golden EaglesJake because when he had no one to play with Jake included him in his game. Maciek
Charlie for always being kind and putting a smile on peoples’ faces. Anonymous
HeronsLily for helping her and being a good friend.Lily-Anne
Lily-Anne for being a good friend and fixing her mistakes.Lily

Tidiest ClassroomOwls
Best School LibraryWest Burton
House Point Winning Team Dormice
Best Class AttendanceGolden Eagles – 100%