Weekly Newsflash! 6th December 2024
Coming up next week…
Monday | – Y1 Skip2BFit @ Catterick Leisure Centre – Y5/6 Box2BFit @ Askrigg – N/R/Y1 Sports Club @ Bainbridge |
Tuesday | – Forest Skills Club (Autumn Block 2) @ Askrigg |
Wednesday | – PTFA Christmas Shop @ Bainbridge – Singing Club @ Askrigg – Y2- 6 Sports Club @ Askrigg |
Thursday | – PTFA Christmas Shop @ Askrigg – Clarinet Lessons – Evening Christmas Performance @ St. Oswald’s Askrigg – 6pm |
Friday | – Afternoon Christmas Performance @ St. Oswald’s Askrigg – 2pm – Science Club @ Askrigg |
PTFA Christmas Fair!

Admin Team Message
Next week is our penultimate week of the Autumn term, and there’s a lot to remember! Swimming has now ended, so Y3/4/5/6 will have an extra PE lesson. Children can come to school dressed in their PE kit on PE days.
- Y3/4 – Monday and Wednesday
- Y5 – Wednesday and Friday
- Y6 – Tuesday and Wednesday
After school clubs will finish next week as there are no after school clubs in the final week of term. Sign up below for next term’s clubs:
- Monday 13th January – 24th March: N/R/Y1 Sports Club – Bainbridge – SIGN UP HERE
- Tuesday 14th January – 25th March: Y3-Y6 Forest Skills – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
- Tuesday 14th January – 25th March: R-Y6 Singing Club – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
- Wednesday 15th January – 26th March: Y2-Y6 Sports Club – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
- Thursday 16th January – 27th March: R-Y6 Mrs Martin’s Movie Club – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
- Friday 17th January – 28th March: Y1 – Y6 Science Club – Askrigg – SIGN UP HERE
Dates for your diary!
- Mon 9th Dec – Y1 Skip2BFit and Y5/6 Box2BFit (children to come in PE kit)
- Wed 11th Dec – PTFA Christmas Shop – Bainbridge
- Thursday 12th Dec – Christmas Jumper Day
- Thurs 12th Dec – PTFA Christmas Shop – Askrigg
- Thurs 12th Dec – Evening Christmas Service – St. Oswald’s Askrigg – 6pm
- Fri 13th Dec – Afternoon Christmas Service – St. Oswald’s Askrigg – 2pm (form HERE for collection arrangements)
- Mon 16th Dec – Pantomime (Richmond Georgian Theatre)
- Thurs 19th Dec – Christmas Dinner Day
- Fri 20th Dec – Christmas Party Day and BREAK UP FOR CHRISTMAS
Headteacher’s Message
Dear families,
It was wonderful to welcome so many of you to our Open Afternoons this week. The Open Afternoons were a wonderful suggestion from a couple of parents and we feel they are positive way to build links between home and school. We hope you enjoyed chatting to the teachers, seeing the classrooms and having a look at all the hard work your child has been doing! If any of you have ideas about how we could make these even better in the future, please click here for a link to a feedback form.
Next half term, we will be having Celebration Assemblies. At Bainbridge, the Owls and Robins will have their assembly on Friday 7th February from 14.15 to 15.00. At Askrigg, we are going to have two assemblies to help reduce crowding in the hall and also to give each class more time to share their work. They will both happen on Friday 14th February, with Years 2, 3 and 4 having their assembly from 13.30 to 14.15 and Years 5 and 6 having their assembly from 14.15 to 15.00. Thanks once again to parents who have shared feedback on Celebration Assemblies as this has led to us making what we hope will be some positive changes to the way they are run.
I would also like to tell you that we are re-instating our Parent Forums, starting next term. The first one will take place at Askrigg School on Tuesday 21st January from 6pm and will be a chance for parents to come along and chat to us. We are very keen to hear about any issues you may be having, to hear any suggestions or even to find out what you think we are doing well! I would also like to remind you all that we are always happy to arrange for you to meet with your child’s teacher, or with me, in order to talk in more detail about your child’s progress – you don’t have to wait until parents’ evenings.
Finally, some sad news. Mally Dolphin, our wonderful parent governor, has made the difficult decision to step down from the role. Mally has brought a great deal of expertise and energy to our governing board and we are very sad to lose her. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for the contribution she has made.
Have a lovely weekend,

Upper Wensleydale Benefice
December-2024-January-2025-newsletterCompetition Time!
Competition-Gingerbread-HouseChristmas time with the Eco-Warriors
Our Eco-Warriors spent some time with Mrs Fawcett this week assembling our Advent Wreaths – aren’t they absolutely wonderful?! We are so impressed with their efforts.

Christmas has hit the Robins! We have been busy wrapping presents at the wrapping station to help the elves and making paper chains as decorations. The Robins also decorated a Christmas jumper using natural materials and painted and ‘glittered’ our wooden Christmas decorations for the tree in Askrigg Church.

Learning about capacity in Maths using the vocabulary full, nearly full, nearly empty and empty. The children were very careful at pouring!

In PE, we were trying to balance a bean bag on our head and walk!

Having a good old sing song and dance with the karaoke machine- we had SO much fun!

The Owls had a great time junk box modelling for their class treat, 75 wow, well done everyone. There were some brilliant models, great ideas and great teamwork helping each other too.

In PSHE we talked about who could help us if we were worried about bullying.
In RE we have been learning about Passover, as part of our unit on celebrations, I was very impressed how the Owls remembered lots of details.

We enjoyed a lovely Christingle service at Bainbridge last Friday. Rev Dave spoke to the children about the meaning of Christingle before we all lit our candles and sung Away in a Manager. The children were mesmerised by their candles in the dark (as were the adults). It was a wonderful time had by all. A big thank you to Rev Dave for coming in and taking our Christingle service.

In PSHE the Swallows have been thinking about bullying, how it makes people feel and what we can do about it. As part of the lesson, the Swallows acted out different scenarios to decide whether bullying was taking place. Can you tell what is happening in each scenario?

The Swallows took part in another circuit of activities as part of their health and wellbeing unit. The Swallows tried their best but more importantly encouraged and supported their friends when it was their turn. It was great seeing the children cheer each other on and share their ideas.

Last Friday afternoon, the Swallows took part in the Askrigg Christingle service led by Rev Tom. After much careful planning, it was still possible to have all the Christingles lit whilst the children sang Away in a Manger.

Golden Eagles
After a week of assessments, it was lovely to spend time making these lovely baubles to hang on the Christmas Tree in Askrigg Church. We also had our last session in the swimming pool at Catterick. Because it was our last one, and we have done so well, we were allowed to have fun with the floats!

This week the Herons have been busy with assessments, but we’ve also done lots of other exciting things.
It feels like we are ramping up towards Christmas as we have been decorating our Decorations for the tree at St Oswald’s. We have also had our Christingle and been working in our songs for the nativity.
We have really enjoyed our computing unit on filming. This week we worked on piecing several clips together to make it seem like one seamless video.
In PE we have made some much progress and even played some basketball matches this week.

In PSHE, we have exploring our unit ‘Celebrating Differences’. We have been researching inspirational people in sport and were given the opportunity to present our projects to the class. We learnt about lots of amazing people and were able to understand barriers which they might face. We shared quizzes with each other and thoroughly enjoyed teaching each other.

It is definitely Christmas time at BAWB! The Merlins have been decorating the school and church Christmas trees; the festive season is well under way!