Weekly Newsflash! Friday 14th June 2024

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Monday– SPORTS DAY @ Askrigg
– After School Sports Club
Tuesday– Y6 Bikeability (Level 2)
– Y1 & Y2 Orienteering @ Leyburn Primary
– Y6 Top Up Swimming
– After School Forest Skills
Wednesday – After School Singing
Thursday– Y6 Geography Fieldtrip
– Scholastic Book Fair (all three schools)
Friday– After School Science Club (Askrigg)
– After School Cycle Club (Bainbridge)
SundayCar Treasure Hunt


Headteacher’s Message

Dear families and friends,

Our last week of statutory assessments has now ended, with our KS1 children showing off their word reading skills in the Phonics Screening Check and our Year 4 children whizzing through their times tables in the Multiplication Tables Check (and you really do have to whiz in that one!). They have tackled these challenges with calmness and confidence and they have made both me and their teachers very proud.

Now, to the really important bit … [but what is more important than tests, I hear you ask. Well, the answer to that is fun, of course!] Please can I urge as many of you as possible to get involved in our next exciting PTFA event! Mr Greenway has kindly organised a Car Adventure Hunt, which will take place on Sunday 23rd June. To enter, please email Mr Greenway on [email protected]. You will be signing up to a really fun interactive driving challenge around Wensleydale, earning as many points as possible in the fewest number of miles! It is followed by a BBQ, refreshments and fun family activities including a penalty shoot-out and slip and slide. Entries so far have been very low so the PTFA and Mr Greenway are currently considering whether they need to cancel the event, which would be such a shame after the hard work that has gone into organising it. Please come along and support us!

We are also looking forward to having lots of fun at our sports day on Monday 17th. It will take place in the afternoon at Askrigg, with our younger children being brought over so we can all get together and cheer one another on. Please come along if you can, we would love to see you all there.

Sports Day

Don’t forget it’s BAWB Sports Day at Askrigg Primary School this Monday 17th June. This is for all BAWB children from Nursery – Year 6. Please send your children to school in their PE kits with a water bottle and coat (we know what Wensleydale weather is like!).

If your nursery child does not usually attend on this day, they are more than welcome to join in for Sports Day if you wish! Please just let the office know by completing this form HERE.

Please arrive from 12:50 for a prompt 1pm start. We will finish at approximately 15:00. Children will return to their home schools, unless collected straight after Sports Day from Askrigg. If you plan on collecting them, please fill in the form HERE.

Scholastic Book Fair

On Thursday 20th June, we will be holding a Scholastic Book Fair in each school. Children will have the chance to browse the selection in the afternoon (and make a purchase if they wish), and the fair will also be held after school until 16:30 if you would like to have a look around with your child at pick-up time.

Each school will have the full age range of books available, at an assortment of different prices from £2.99 upwards. Cash is accepted, as well as pre-paid gift vouchers. We will also have a QR code which will enable you to make payments with your phone.


BAWB PTFA Car Adventure Quiz! Sunday 23rd June

Don’t forget that next Sunday 23rd June we are welcoming families, friends and individuals to take part in an interactive driving challenge around Wensleydale. The aim is to secure points by answering questions correctly at a range of local places, while simultaneously attempting to cover the fewest miles possible. It is likely to take between 1-2 hours to complete. There will be a prize for the winning team. There will be a staggered start time between 10-11am, and it will begin and end at Askrigg VC Primary School.

Following the ‘Car Adventure Quiz’ refreshments will be available to purchase at Askrigg Primary, and there will be a range of activities for children to take part in such as: penalty shoot-out and a slip and slide. 

To purchase tickets please email Mr Greenway via [email protected] with the number of people attending to ensure we have enough BBQ food for everyone. 


We have been busy making and decorating buns as treats for Father’s day. The children took it in turns to measure out the ingredients, stir the mixture and pour it into bun cases.

We have been learning all about doubles in Maths this week. Here is our ‘Doubles Town’! The children have been working out whether we have all the doubles to 10 in the Town and they even added their own doubles. 

We are eagerly awaiting some warmer weather which we think will help our tadpoles grow legs! We still have no froglets. 

We are big on resilience and perseverance in EYFS. We have spent ages trying to get our planes through the target holes! Our next challenge is improving our plane design.


In PSHE this week the ‘connect us’ game was linked to our new unit ‘Changing Me’, the children had to find the other card to make a pair.  There were pictures of frogspawn and frogs, kittens and cats, there was great excitement from the pair who matched an acorn to the oak tree, recognising the leaf shape from our work in science….well done!

In geography we braved the cool and windy weather to study the school grounds as part of our ‘Local Area’ unit, ticking off features on the list and naming our favourite feature in the school grounds…….the climbing frame was a popular choice!


This week our Swallows have been doing lots of food tasting in preparation for making their own wraps! Not only did they practise their knife skills, they also grated and peeled their veggies of choice. A firm favourite was the ‘duck and hoisin wrap’ – our children have exotic tastes!


This week the kingfishers delved deeper into our DT topic on heathy seasonal food. The worked on a range of skills including chopping, grating and peeling. We also looked at food hygiene. Our favourite part was trying a range of fresh ingredients and looking at a range of wraps that are popular. We used our tasting session to inform our choices in what we will create in the next few weeks. 

The kingfishers have also been looking at the upcoming Euros and in a spare 10 minutes, we designed our own England kits. Our ideas were much more creative than recent England kits. Maybe we have some future kit designers in our class. 
We have been getting stuck into our new English topic on Poetry using the book Poetry Pie by Roger McGough. This week we have read, performed and written a range of poems. 

Golden Eagles

Our School Trip by Isla

On Monday 10th June, The Golden Eagles went on a field trip to learn about rivers. At Grinton Bridge, we tested which part of the river flowed the quickest by throwing dog biscuits into the river and timing how long it took them to travel 5 metres. It was the furthest part of the river, where it was deeper that was the quickest.

After that, we walked to the suspension bridge near Reeth. If we saw any litter, we picked it up and gave it to an adult. We saw an oxbow lake and had a rock tower competition. It was a wonderful trip and everyone enjoyed it.

Rene said “I liked the long walk.”

Joey said “I liked walking on the suspension bridge.”

Louisa said “I liked building the rock tower.”

In PSHE, the Golden Eagles read, When Sadness comes to call by Eva Eland and discussed what they could do when they feel sad and how they can talk to their friends when they look sad. We discussed the importance of listening and being able to talk about our feelings when we are sad.
In science, we continued our work on the digestive system by looking at casts of human teeth and making our own model teeth. We also compared out teeth with a carnivores teeth and discussed what this tells us about the different foods we eat.


The Herons have been looking at figurative language in poetry. This week they have been working in pairs to create poetry involving similes, based on ‘The Dreadful Menace’. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wle3-h1yxc0)

They created fabulous similes and worked hard, using thesauruses, to carefully choose vocabulary.

In PSHE, for our No Outsiders lesson, we read ‘and Tango makes three’. This is a fabulous and interesting book which stimulated some wonderful and thoughtful discussions.


This week, the Merlins have had their year 6 ‘Growing Up Talk’. They were all extremely mature and asked some very good questions. We talked about the changes we experience during puberty and how this is perfectly normal. We also know how to look after ourselves to stay healthy and safe.

This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
Robins (Nursery)Jack for the effort, enjoyment and independence he shows in his learning. It is a joy to watch Jack play and learn. 
Robins (Reception)Joshua for his phonics and writing. Joshua continues to work really hard in phonics and has been choosing to write during independent learning and at home. Well done Joshua! 
Owls (Y1)Annie for her writing.  Annie works hard to ensure she writes in longer sentences, adding further detail, always with beautiful handwriting too. 
Swallows (Y2)Charlie for making efforts in handwriting and producing fantastic, neat work as a result.
Kingfishers (Y3)Rosie for enthusiasm in English and showing a real enjoyment of poetry.
Golden Eagles (Y4)Nico for showing his enjoyment and engagement in our outdoor learning (Geography trip) by quietly supporting his friend with their work. 
Herons (Y5)Lily-Anne for working fabulously with your partner to produce some great poetry with similes. You worked with great thought and care and did some great editing.
Merlins (Y6)Gabriel for his mature and organised approach to life! He has already started to think about secondary school and is making sure he has everything he needs. It has also been a pleasure teaching Gabriel; I can always count on him to be doing the right thing. He is a credit to the BAWB Federation – we are going to miss him dearly.

Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeJay for enthusiasm and engagement with phonics. He’s a pleasure to work with! 
AskriggAaron for his love of learning, particularly history.
West BurtonBeatrice for her positive approach to learning. She also has lovely manners!

Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
KingfishersBen C for helping him find his bottle. Sammy
Joey for asking if he was okay when he slipped over. Myles
HeronsCaleb for fabulous sportsmanship in PE, being supportive to all members of the class. Mrs Hodgson

A special mention to Toby who overcame his fears during swimming. Toby was very worried about putting his head under water and on Tuesday, not only did he put his head under the water, but he also jumped into the deep end of the pool. Mrs Handley was very proud and so are we.
Tidiest ClassroomKingfishers
Best School LibraryAskrigg
House Point Winning Team Red Squirrels
Best Class AttendanceKingfishers – 98%