Weekly Newsflash! 8th November 2024
Coming up next week…
Monday | – Remembrance Services @ Bainbridge and Askrigg – Flu Immunisations @ Bainbridge and Askrigg – N/R/Y1 Sports Club @ Bainbridge |
Tuesday | – Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week – Swimming Lessons – Nursery Taster Afternoon – 1:30pm – 3:00pm – Forest Skills Club (Autumn Block 2) @ Askrigg |
Wednesday | – Nursery Taster Afternoon – 1:30pm – 3:00pm – Singing Club @ Askrigg – Y2- 6 Sports Club @ Askrigg |
Thursday | – Clarinet Lessons |
Friday | – Children in Need – wear comfy clothes day! – Science Club @ Askrigg |
Upcoming dates for your diaries!
The second half of Autumn term is always extra busy, so here is a list of upcoming events to add to your calendars! Some more dates may be added so please keep an eye on the calendar, though of course we will remind parents closer to the time with an email.
- Mon 11th Nov – Flu Immunisations (please sign up/opt out HERE using your child’s taught school)
- Mon 11th Nov – Remembrance Services
- Tues 12th Nov – Odd Socks Day
- Fri 15th Nov – Children in Need (comfy clothes and a donation please!)
- Mon 18th Nov – Y5 & Y6 Crucial Crew
- Wed 27th Nov – Great North Air Ambulance Collection
- Fri 29th Nov – Christingle (St. Andrew’s Aysgarth) – 2pm
- Thurs 5th Dec – Bainbridge Open Afternoons from 3.45pm
- Fri 6th Dec – Askrigg Open Afternoons from 3.45pm
- Wed 11th Dec – PTFA Christmas Shop (Bainbridge)
- Thursday 12th Dec – Christmas Jumper Day
- Thurs 12th Dec – PTFA Christmas Shop (Askrigg)
- Thurs 12th Dec – Evening Christmas Service (St. Oswald’s Askrigg) – 6pm
- Fri 13th Dec – Afternoon Christmas Service (St. Oswald’s Askrigg) – 2pm
- Mon 16th Dec – Pantomime (Richmond Georgian Theatre)
- Thurs 19th Dec – Christmas Dinner Day
- Fri 20th Dec – Christmas Party Day and BREAK UP FOR CHRISTMAS 🙂
Headteacher’s Message
It has been a lovely start to the half term, with both children and adults reinvigorated and raring to go! We have been learning about Remembrance in preparation for our Remembrance Services at both Askrigg and Bainbridge on Monday 11th November. At Bainbridge, the children will gather around the tree at the front of school and will add poppies that we have made, and then observe the 11:00 silence. At Askrigg, our children will walk to St Oswald’s memorial, where they will read poems and observe the silence. Our pupils have, without exception, shown great respect for our servicemen and women and I am sure they will make us proud at the services themselves.
Next week is also anti-bullying week with a variety of activities to support children to understand what bullying is and what to do about it. This will include an ‘Odd Socks Day’ on Tuesday 12th November when children can wear any combination of socks into school to express themselves and celebrate their individuality.
You will notice that our school calendar is filling up quickly with lots of dates when we can get together as a community. We have therefore decided not to have Celebration Assemblies this half term. Instead, we would like to invite you to some Open Afternoons when you will be able to visit your child’s classroom, chat to their teacher and have a look at some of the work they have been doing. In order to give teachers the freedom to chat to you, we are starting these at after the school day at 15:45. You will be welcome to bring your child with you but please could you be responsible for them during the visit. The Open Afternoon for Robins and Owls at Bainbridge will take place on Thursday 5th December. At Askrigg, all four classes will have their Open Afternoons on Friday 6th December.
We have already begun practising for our Christmas nativity. This year all our children will be taking part in a performance of Angel Small at St Oswald’s Church in Askrigg. There will be two performances: an evening performance on Thursday 12th December, starting at 6pm and an afternoon performance on Friday 13th December, starting at 14:00. Dates for your diaries!

Pupil Council
Our Pupil Council looked very official this week, conducting their first meeting of the academic year! Ignore the upside down notepad… they discussed Children in Need, and how BAWB was going to mark the occasion! They decided on a small donation (on ParentPay) and to come to school dressed in comfy clothing 🙂

We made fireworks out of paint and glitter using forks and pipe cleaners.

We made bonfires out of the sticks and leaves we found outside!

Good climbing guys!

We have learned about Diwali this week. The children have enjoyed colouring in and making their own rangoli patterns. We used rice and powder paint to create our own rangoli patterns on the floor outside.

In RE the children were creating scenarios where people might need to forgive others. They talked about the importance of forgiveness and how saying sorry can help people to feel better.

Great excitement from the owls as we started our new geography unit ‘What is it like here?’ using Google Earth to look at Bainbridge and locate the school. We worked on two of our key facts ‘ a map tells us information about a place’ and ‘an aerial photograph is taken from above’
Some great maps of Bainbridge and the school grounds were drawn.

In DT we have started to explore levers and sliders, the children started worked on some ideas and templates. If you have any books at home with levers or sliders in them please could they be brought into school.

Swallows have started a new unit in PE that focuses on throwing and catching skills. This week practised throwing for accuracy, some children imagined that there were cricket stumps that they were trying to knock over.

On Tuesday, we were very lucky to have local scientist Dr Bottley visit us to teach us all about materials and their properties and uses.

In geography we have started our work on hot and cold places. The children used different sources to label the continents on their map.

Golden Eagles
We’ve had a great start back in Golden Eagles this week! In PE we have been learning about moving our bodies to anticipate sending and receiving a ball.

In Music, we played some clapping games to warm up before clarinet practice.
In Geography we learned about the Water Cycle and created our own mini water cycles for the classroom windows.

On Thursday, the Herons had a VERY special visitor – none other than a BAWB baby! Mr Greenway came into school to show off beautiful Nina – I’m not sure who was more excited, the Herons or the admin team!

The Merlins have had a great first week back. We started our new RE topic learnt about the Five Pillars of Islam. The Five Pillars are what Muslims use as a guide on their journey through life, the Five Pillars are Shahada, Salat, Sawm, Zakat and Hajj. We created our own knowledge organisers to help up remember them and what they mean.

On Thursday, we enjoyed our ’50 token treat’ and started every lesson of the day with a Just Dance; we may have to think about incorporating this into the curriculum.