Weekly Newsflash! 5th July 2024

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Monday– Marrick Priory Residential (Y3 & 4)
– After School Sports Club
Tuesday— Marrick Priory Residential (Y3 & 4)
– Y6 Swimming (last session)
– After School Forest Skills
Wednesday – Marrick Priory Residential (Y3 & 4)
– After School Singing
Thursday– Celebration Assembly @ West Burton – 1:30pm
Friday– Y6 Leavers Trip to Planet Leisure
– PiNS Parent Carer Meeting @ Askrigg – 2pm & 6pm
– After School Science Club
– After School Cycle Club


PTFA Car Boot – Sunday 7th July – West Witton Playing Fields

Don’t forget that this Sunday at 10am is the PTFA Car Boot Sale! It’s set to be a great day, and we’d love to see you all there!

Y3/4 Marrick Priory

Please find some extra information regarding the residential to Marrick Priory on Monday:

  • Start and end of day arrangements are not affected – please send your child to school as you normally would, at the usual time.
  • Children will be setting off to Marrick on Monday around 11:30am, and returning on Wednesday for around 2:30pm in time for the shuttles/county transport.
  • If they use county transport/shuttles, they are more than welcome to take their luggage on with them.
  • Please send your child into school in non-uniform (comfy clothes that can get messy!)
  • Children who have school dinners will automatically get a packed lunch – if your child usually has a packed lunch and you haven’t requested a school packed lunch, please do not forget to bring one in with them for their lunch on the first day.

Celebration Assembly @ West Burton – 1:30pm

On Thursday 11th of July, we would like to invite you to join us for the last Celebration Assembly of the year, which will be held at West Burton village hall from 13:30 to 14:30. It will include a performance by our singing club and will also be a chance to say goodbye to some of our staff who are leaving us at the end of this year.

School Lunches – Autumn 2024

It’s that time again! If you haven’t already please click HERE for the online form to select your child’s preferences for next term (September).



Our uniform is provided by SchoolShop. The uniform policy can be found here – please note that there is no expectation to buy new uniform, this is purely your choice. Please utilise the preloved uniform that our wonderful PTFA organises, just contact the office to have a rummage (or ask us to on your behalf!)


As we are now approaching the end of the school year, please can all parents check their ParentPay accounts for any outstanding balances or discrepancies. We really appreciate your co-operation.

Summer Clubs

During the summer there will be several fab clubs available!

Multi Sports Summer Club – Mr Bullock – Askrigg Primary School – Wednesday 24th & Thursday 25th July


Woodland Activity Sessions – Mr Stokes – Askrigg (Bluebell Wood) – August


Summer Science Club – Becca – Bainbridge Primary School – Wednesday 31st July


Lucy Pittaway Art Competition

Do you know of a budding artist aged between 4-16? Lucy Pittaway is holding a summer art competition, ‘New Beginnings’. Visit the website HERE to find out more information on how to enter!

BAWB Moving Up Day!

OWLS – On Monday the new Owls had a great time exploring their new classroom and getting a feel for year 1. They loved making their very own Owl, they listened carefully to the instructions, making them completely independently. Mrs Harrison is looking forward to welcoming you for more fun in September!

SWALLOWS – The Swallows had a fantastic day in their new classroom at Askrigg.

We started the day with PSHE, playing some circle games and then investigating the contents of Mr Scrafton and Miss Schofield’s mystery bags to find out all about them. The children then thought about what they would put in their mystery bags. We will need a very big bag to fit a horse in! In maths we learnt about coordinates and then used our new skill to play battleships.

After lunch, we worked together to create a collaborative piece of art to remind us  “Do-nut stress, just do your best! Unfortunately, the weather stopped us from making use of the wonderful Askrigg playing fields in PE, instead we did yoga in the classroom. All of the children were very good at staying on their own mats whilst holding their yoga poses.

GOLDEN EAGLES – Golden Eagles have made some bread and painted some eagles. We have used alliterative adjectives to write our name labels and hope to get outside if the rain eases off.


We had a great time on our bike trip on Wednesday. The Robins made us all feel so proud with their determination to keep on biking, despite some of them having very little legs! well done Robins. We had a lovely break at lunch time and even had time to play some racing games with our friends. 

We have been busy creating some lovely purple flower art, in memory of Mrs Alderson. 
In PSHE reception have been talking about their feelings with moving up into Year one in September. The children are very excited but were also invited to share any worries for the teacher to write down and let the worry monster “eat”. The children know that it helps to share any worries, and the teachers will always make time to talk through any worries with them. 


The Owls really enjoyed making their journey sticks, showing all of the things they saw on our geography walk. All of the children talked through them with the class, it was lovely to see so many different features represented.

The Owls and the Robins had the most wonderful cycle trip on Wednesday, the children showed great resilience and determination from our newest pedallers to our confident cyclists. We were extremely lucky with the weather and managed to stay dry. This trip could not go ahead without our volunteers, thank you to our parent helpers and of course a huge thanks to Helen and the team at Stage 1 cycles and Mrs Gurden for all of their work to make such a huge trip run smoothly.


The Rivers2U bus visited West Burton this week and our children had brilliant fun being geographers/scientists for the afternoon!


What a busy week!

This week the kingfishers have had lots of trips and visits linking to lots of curriculum areas including RE, science, geography and PE. 

On Tuesday the children visited Ripon Cathedral to complete some art activities to be displayed in the cathedral. The children learnt more about the symbol of the cross, listened to parables and considered how our actions will support other and the world to grow. One of the kingfishers was even able to find out about some of their ancestors who’s plaques were displayed there. 

On Wednesday we had a visit from the Rivers Trust who brought their Rivers 2U van which allowed the children to learn how a river works and changes over time. They also had the opportunity to investigate some invertebrates and classify them. 

On Thursday, we visit Grinton Moor for the ‘Let’s Learn Moor’ day. The children attended a range of workshops on everything from working dogs to wildfire prevention. 

On Friday, we have enjoyed our House Heroes working in teams to score the highest amount of points!

Golden Eagles

Last week, the Golden Eagles took part in an afternoon of art in remembrance of Mrs Alderson. We thought about all the great memories we had of her and then spent the afternoon creating watercolour pictures of the area she loved so much. Some of our artwork will form part of a larger display in our new area.

On Tuesday the Golden Eagles and Kingfishers attended a Sacred Spaces art workshop at Ripon Cathedral, creating two large pieces of art.

In DT, the Golden Eagles finished and evaluated their purses and wallets.


We have had lots of fun in DT this week making our pulley driven vehicles. We’ll post some more pictures before the end of term to show you how they turn out!


Our Merlins have been away from BAWB most of the week, as they have been taking part in the next stage of their academic career – secondary school eeek! Reports back suggest that they’ve all had a fantastic time!