Weekly Newsflash! 2nd February 2024

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Tuesday– Y3 & Y4 Swimming
Please can children come into school with their swimming gear underneath their uniform, along with a towel, water bottle and goggles if they wish. Children are also welcome to bring a piece of fruit with them 🙂
– Nursery Taster Afternoon @ Bainbridge – 1:30 – 3pm
Wednesday – Nursery Taster Afternoon @ Bainbridge – 1:30 – 3pm
– After School Sports @ Askrigg
Friday– Science Club @ Askrigg
– Break up for February half-term, returning to school on Monday 19th Feb


Congratulations Mr Greenway!!

On Friday, Mr Greenway tied the knot! We’re sure you’ll agree that Mrs Greenway looked stunning, and Mr Greenway didn’t scrub up too badly either! Congratulations! ♡

Some of the BAWB staff attended, and of course we made it a priority to snap a pic for the Newflash!

Singing Club!

We are so pleased to say that after half-term, an after-school singing club will be held at Askrigg on Wednesdays. Debbie Allenby, a local piano teacher who I’m sure many of you know, will be running the club. This club is open to Reception – Y6 pupils, and will run from 3:30 – 4:10pm. If you would like to reserve a place for your child, please complete the form HERE.

Chinese Students visiting Askrigg

On Monday afternoon, we were so lucky to receive a visit from some students who were visiting the area all the way from China! Our students learnt all about Chinese New Year and learnt how to say few things!

Eco-Warriors Meeting

Mrs Fawcett and the Eco-Warriors had a fantastic meeting at West Burton on Monday afternoon. They got themselves ready for the RSPB Big Bird Watch by making some bird-feeders from a combination of suet and bird seed, in leftover yoghurt pots. The finished product was then hung up in the playground to attract the birds to our very own haven, so we could then perform our own experiment to see how many birds we could attract!

Nursery Taster Afternoon

Super Scientists Workshops

The lovely Becca, who runs our Science Club is holding a workshop over half term at Bainbridge!


Swaledale Alliance – Teaching Assistant Qualification

PTFA Minutes

Please find the minutes for the latest PTFA meeting here.


To continue the children’s interests in Penguins and Polar Bears, we introduced charcoal and showed the children how to develop a Penguin and Polar Bear drawing by adding simple shapes. The children were shown how charcoal can be smudged, which created a ‘softer’ effect to their drawings. We love the children’s creations!

 Our Arctic and Antarctic tuff tray is still proving very popular. The children have added more ‘snow’ and have even made igloos for the animals. Our children have also loved measuring themselves against our very own, life size Emperor Penguin model!

We are learning about Weight and capacity in Maths this week. The children enjoyed testing out ‘boats’ in the water tray, to see how many small world figures could fit inside it before it started to sink. They have also shown a good understanding of ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter’ when comparing the weights of different objects on the balance scales. The children know that a heavier object will make the scales go lower as there is more weight in it and a lighter object will not move the scales as much because there is less weight to move it.


In history we have been talking about the past, sharing memories and learning about our own history using photographs and special keepsakes.  We have also been preparing questions to ask our visitor what it was like for children in the past.  we are looking forward to finding out next week!

In PSHE we really enjoyed the connect us game called ‘sitting next to me’, the children had to invite people to sit on their right, giving them a chance to sit next to lots of different friends.  In our Dreams and Goals part of the lesson we decided on the steps that needed to be taken to achieve the tasty goal of a jam sandwich, they didn’t miss anything out!

We have some amazing scientists in the Owls class, demonstrating wonderful scientific skills to place their animal into categories, discussing why they had chosen that hoop.  The children then researched to find out which category a whale should be placed into and why….great work!


The Swallows have been doing some fabulous work in Maths this week – just take a look at these smiley faces with their calculations work!


This Kingfishers have had another busy week. After Mr Greenway’s wedding last week we treated him to a surprise wedding breakfast including pastries and waffles. We also surprised Mr Greenway with lots of cards, bunting and well wishes which was very kind.

The Kingfishers have also continued their art unit which aims to combine the mediums of paining and stitching, inspired by the works of Alice Kettle, this week we have been painting our designs reading to add our strict bed details next week.

Some of the Kingfishers also attended a dodgeball competition at Richmond School this week. It really was an excellent and action packed morning attended by 24 schools. The children were excellent and were brilliant ambassadors for our federation.

Golden Eagles

In RE, the Golden Eagles have continued to look at the events of Holy Week. This week, we re-enacted part of the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday. The children washed each others’ feet and discussed why Jesus washed his disciples feet when it was the job of the servant. Jesus’ teaching about serving others linked with our Christian vision of the Good Samaritan.

On Monday, Askrigg had some special visitors, Chinese students who came in to talk to us about Chinese New Year and life in China.

The remainder of the week has been full of learning and fun, the children continue to make fantastic progress in swimming with some children swimming the full length of the swimming pool in shorts and t-shirt and others swimming without the use of a swimming aid and in PSHE we have been thinking about oour hopes and dreams and what we can do when things don’t go the way we want them to.


In art this week we have been building up our collage backgrounds for our self-portraits.

In history, we took ourselves back to Ancient Greece and had a fabulous debate on whether women, slaves and those born outside of Athens should be given the vote.  We voted with our pebbles and the result was… votes for everyone over 18! Hurrah! (Unfortunately, this was not really the case in Ancient Greece).


This week in science, the Merlins have been investigating shadows; our enquiry question was ‘How does the distance from a light source affect the size of a shadow?’.

We discussed the independent, dependent and controlled variables within our experiment. Our findings showed that if an object is further away from a light source, the size of the shadow will decrease; this is because the object blocks less of the light, resulting in a smaller shadow.

We evaluated our investigation and discussed what we could have done better to make our results more accurate and reliable.

This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
Robins (Nursery)Thomas for a great start to nursery – showing independence and enjoyment in all activities.
Robins (Reception)Sidney for enjoying his independent learning. Sidney has been sharing resources, used kind words and encouraged his friends. This makes us very proud Sidney! 
Owls (Y1)James for fantastic science. Asking good scientific questions when placing animals into categories.
Swallows (Y2)Libby for her fantastic approach and independent work in Maths- particularly problem solving.  
Kingfishers (Y3)Ben for showing increasing confidence and enjoyment whilst at dodgeball this week. 
Golden Eagles (Y4)Charlie for consistent effort in all subjects and for being a great friend and role model. 
Herons (Y5)Otis for effort in English and using some fabulous vocabulary when writing in role.
Merlins (Y6)Sam for his dedication and passion towards learning.

Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeOtto – for engaging well in learning and caring for his friends.
AskriggHolly M – for always being willing to provide thoughtful contributions during Collective Worship.
West BurtonFlorence – for always being a good role model and being willing to ask for help.

Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
OwlsJames for giving him the last piece of big paper in the craft area.Otto
SwallowsAda for checking in on her even though she was fine.  Lizzy
KingfishersMartha for helping her up after a fall. Rosie
Joey for giving him ideas for what to play at breaktime.Sammy
Golden EaglesSylvi for helping her finish her work when everyone else was going out to break.Louisa
MerlinsToby for checking if he was okay when he had a headache and staying with him until he felt better.Gabriel
Beatrice C for being kind to younger children on a morning.Ava

Tidiest ClassroomMerlins
Best School LibraryAskrigg
House Point Winning Team Dormice
Best Class AttendanceSwallows – 100%