Weekly Newsflash! 29th September 2023

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Monday 2nd– PCSO Diamond to visit Askrigg & Bainbridge
Tuesday 3rd– Balance bike sessions at Bainbridge
– Y1 and Y5 swimming
– Parent Forum @ Askrigg
Wednesday 4th– Cross country @ Richmond School
– After-school sports
Thursday 5th– After-school cycling club
– Y5 & Y6 Open Evening @ TWS
Friday 6th– After-school science club

Click here to visit the full calendar


Please click here to navigate to the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Partnership where you can find advice and guidance about games, consoles, and how to keep your children safe.

Supporting Your Child with Maths

From our Local Authority:

Are you someone who wants to understand how to help your child effectively in maths in either Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2? We can give you the tools to support your child.


Daisy Chain Autism & Neurodiversity

We wanted to get in touch and make sure you were aware of Autism Central, a free programme to provide high-quality and accessible autism information, education and coaching for families, and carers, co-delivered by autistic people, families and carers. Autism Central has been commissioned by NHS England’s Workforce, Training and Education Team and is being delivered by nine not-for-profit organisations across the country: Daisy Chain are the Regional Hub for North East and Yorkshire. 

Meg Pickard is the Yorkshire coordinator for Autism Central – based near Richmond but working with families and organisations across the entire Yorkshire region.

Autism Central offers a variety of group and individual sessions both online and in person. They also interested in working with existing support organisations and schools to bring learning opportunities and signposting sessions to where people are, especially in more rural areas.

They have asked us to circulate this link to Daisy Chain’s Autism Central site to  parents and carers in our school communities, who may find the service useful: https://www.daisychainproject.co.uk/autism-central/

Governor Vacancies

Parent Governor

I am delighted to confirm that our new parent governor is Mrs Hayley-Hollands Wilkins. Hayley has two children at our schools and brings a wealth of experience to governing board. We look forward to welcoming her to our next meeting on 11 October.

Staff Governor

Mrs Harrison’s role on our governing board came to an end last term when she stepped down as part-time headteacher. However, I am pleased to say that she is re-joining the governing board as staff governor.

North Yorkshire Council – Home School Transport


Upper Wensleydale Benefice


Beetle Drive – Askrigg


Did you know you can synchronise your calendar with our school calendar? Click here to visit the calendar and click the link at the bottom of the page that says ‘subscribe to calendar’ – this will enable you to push events out to your personal calendars.


We have a shop in Robins this week! The children have been practising their mark making to write shopping lists in the home corner, then going to the shops to buy things.
“You’re under arrest!”
The children have continued to love playing Police this week. Police dogs and Police cars have featured heavily in their role play!
Our reception Robins have their own number packets and the children get lots of practise each week with ordering and writing numbers. As they become more confident they are given more numbers to practise ordering.
The children took it in turns to be a shop keeper and remembered to wait in the queue to be served. We made a rule where the children could only shop for 5 items at a time.

We have started visiting the school library again in Robins this week. All of the children should have brought a book home that they have chosen themselves.  Please could we remind you to send the book back to school with children next week, so they can choose a new book to share with you at home. 


Friday again….time flies when you’re having fun!

In computing we have been looking at technology and developing our mouse and keyboard skills, one of our provision area challenges this week has been to make a piece of technology, Max made a fantastic iPad using Playdoh.
Continuing with our work on the human body in science, we have been exploring sight, we carried out an investigation to see what happened when we tried to score in the hoop when our sight was taken away.
Some new maths vocabulary and symbols this week, greater than, less than and equal too, demonstrating our understanding using resources.
In history we have been comparing our schools today to when our parents went to school, the owls enjoyed looking through the old photograph albums looking at the buildings and resources in the classrooms, we spotted some familiar faces too!


This week saw the Swallows celebrate Mrs Fawcett’s birthday – we won’t say which number she is but we’d hedge a bet that you’d be shocked! Mrs Fawcett says ‘you’re only as old as you feel’ – a good mantra to live by, we think! Have a look at the video below, we think you’ll agree that we have some fabulous singing voices!


Another really busy week in the kingfishers class. We have been moving further through our English unit and have written some excellent descriptions based on a book in ‘I was a rat’ by Philip Pullman. We have also been working on developing our handwriting and the way we join letters. In science this week, we looked at the skeletons of a range of different animals including mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish. The children also made some book reviews which will be displayed in the School library to help our peers choose books they might enjoy.

Golden Eagles

Trip to the Bainbridge Quaker Meeting House

On Monday the Golden Eagles had a fantastic trip to the Quaker Meeting House in Bainbridge to see the Quaker tapestries. The weather was perfect for a walk from Askrigg to Bainbridge, where the children used the Quaker Tapestries as a tertiary source of evidence to find out about the history of the Quakers. The Swallows then considered how the tapestries where an art and craft used to tell stories of the Quakers, similar to our current art topic. The Swallows then designed tapestries telling a story from their life.

Thank you very much to Gwen Clark who hosted us at the meeting house!

In science the Golden Eagles started an enquiry into living things in the local environment and we will see how these change over time.
The Swallows learnt a new French song, used to play a traditional French game Le Furet.


Do you know how to do a Bayeaux stitch? Well, some of the Herons do! This week we had a lovely visit to the Quaker Meeting House in Bainbridge where we learnt lots of interesting sewing stitches to help us with our DT project this term. The Bayeaux stitch was used in the Bayeaux tapestry which we learnt about in history last year so it all linked up beautifully! 

The kind volunteers at the meeting house worked in small groups with the children, served us refreshments and made us feel incredibly welcome. As one of the children said to me afterwards, it was a ‘lovely, relaxing afternoon’. Aren’t we lucky to have been offered such a wonderful experience right on our doorstep.


The Merlins have been getting creative in history and have been creating storyboards based on the Christian and Egyptian creation stories. We have been comparing the two stories of creations and discussing similarities and differences between them. We are beginning to explore the many Egyptian gods and goddess, their representations and why they are significant.

This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
Robins (Reception)Faye for choosing to practice mark making by writing shopping lists for the shop in Robins. 
Owls (Y1)Albert for his effort and enjoyment during swimming. Listening carefully and confidently trying new things.
Swallows (Y2)Libby for effort in English making some excellent vocabulary choices. 
Kingfishers (Y3)Theodore for effort and enjoyment in maths. Always seeing the next challenge and pushing himself. 
Golden Eagles (Y4)Ellie for continuing her learning at home by making a soft toy using skills taught in DT. 
Herons (Y5)Lily-Ann for enjoyment of our trip to the Quaker Meeting House and challenging herself with some challenging sewing!   
Merlins (Y6)Tommy for taking responsibility for his own learning and for his maturity inside and out of the classroom. 

Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeGeorgie B for excellent contributions to a debate about global citizenship.
AskriggHollie F for thoughtful contributions during PSHE about rights, needs, and want – global citizenship.
West BurtonToby W for thoughtful contributions during PSHE about rights and global citizenship.

Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
RobinsLexi for letting Zoey go in front of her when waiting to use play equipment

Connie nominated Lexi for letting her on the bike 

OwlsOtto, for getting him a chairSeth
SwallowsCharlie for being very caring when he fell in the playgroundBen
KingfishersAidan and Archie for helping him when he tripped in the playground. Sammy
Golden EaglesNico for helping him find his water bottleDoug
Elsie and Florence for helping her in mathsSylvi
Sylvi for helping her in mathsElsie
Rene for cheering her up when she was sadIsla
Fearne for being a kind and loving friendMaisie
Riley for encouraging him to join in the gameMaciej
Aaron for helping him when he fell overCharlie
MerlinsKatie for helping Charlie when he fell from the monkey barsNico
Katie for helping Sylvi when she had a bumpSylvi & Louisa

Best Learning Space (classroom)Herons
Most Effective learning Environment (school)Askrigg
House Point Winning Team Otters
Best Class AttendanceRobins & Swallows (100%)