Weekly Newsflash! 28th June 2024

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Monday– BAWB Moving Up Day!!
– Y6 TWS Transition
– After School Sports Club
Tuesday-Y3/4 Trip to Ripon
– Nursery Taster Afternoon
– Y6 TWS Transition
– After School Forest Skills
Wednesday – EYFS & Y1 Cycle Trip to Bolton Hall
– Nursery Taster Afternoon
– Y6 TWS Transition
– Y6 SFX Transition
– After School Singing
Thursday– Y3/4 Trip to Grinton Moor
– Y6 SFX Transition
– After School Science Club


Headteacher’s Message

Dear families,

Only a few weeks left now before the summer holidays and we have got lots of end of term activities planned. Preparations are also well underway for our new school structure next year. 

On Thursday 11th of July, we would like to invite you to join us for the last Celebration Assembly of the year, which will be held at West Burton village hall from 13:30 to 14:30. It will include a performance by our singing club and will also be a chance to say goodbye to some of our staff who are leaving us at the end of this year.

The following week (w/c 15th July) is the last week of the academic year. Our Year 6 children will be on their residential and Years 2 and 3 will be doing their learning at Askrigg for the week. As well as this being a lovely opportunity for the children to get together in the last week, it will also allow us to move furniture and equipment from West Burton to Askrigg ready for September.

I also wanted to let you know that, from September, our catering team will be swapping sites. Gillian will be cooking and serving school dinners at Askrigg and Shirley will be serving school dinners at Bainbridge. Thanks so much to both of them as this necessitates a fair bit of upheaval but they are, as always, happy to help in any way they can.

BAWB Moving Up Day

This coming Monday, 1st July we are having our moving up day, from September our classes will be sited as follows:

Bainbridge – Nursery, Reception, Year 1

Askrigg – Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6.

On moving up day your child will be with their new teacher – for some this will mean a change in site too.

Please drop your child as normal to their home school and we will arrange for the internal shuttles to take them to their taught school. (for Nursery children, please drop off at Bainbridge as normal)

Please send your child in PE kit if they are in:

Y1 (current Reception), Y2 (current Y1), Y5 (current Y4), Y6 (current Y5)

After School Clubs

We are in the process of finalising the details for next terms after school clubs. Forms will be sent out soon!

Summer Clubs

During the summer there will be several fab clubs available!

Multi Sports Summer Club – Mr Bullock – Askrigg Primary School – Wednesday 24th & Thursday 25th July


Woodland Activity Sessions – Mr Stokes – Askrigg (Bluebell Wood) – August

Summer Science Club – Becca – Bainbridge Primary School – Wednesday 31st July



The best time of the year in Robins! The sun is shining and we are staying cool and learning at the same time.

The first transporter raft speed boat sank when the card got soggy. So another one was made in plastic.
Willow has made a beautiful meteor!
Looking at aerial views with our map!
In Maths, we have been looking at positions and how objects are in different places from different views.

As the week goes on we are getting better and better at using positional language when making our own maps, mazes and when talking about what we can see when looking at different maps. We are using words like, under, through, next to, on top of, in the middle.  Great learning! 

Katie Morag stories are also our focus this week, so learning about the Isle of Struary has helped our map reading skills too.  We have started making our own sensory maps of the Isle of Struary. The children have enjoyed adding real sand, mixing powder paint with shaving foam and adding moss for the grass.

There has been lots of interest in den building this week. The children are doing some excellent negotiating about the designs of their dens and have been involved in some lovely role play inside them. 


We had a wonderful walk to Askrigg church in the sunshine this week.  We talked about features in our local area as part of our geography unit, we named many human and physical features and as we walked through the fields admiring the view, it very much confirmed that we live in the beautiful rural countryside.  The children collected leaves and other ‘treasures’ along the way ready to make journey sticks reminding us of the route we took.  We enjoyed our stop off at Askrigg school for snack and then picnic lunch and a trip to the park on the way home too.

The church warden, Stephanie Durrant kindly showed us around St Oswald’s Church, talking us through many of the significant areas and artefacts.  The children made comparisons to the coloured cloths, bibles and candles we have in school and decided everything was on a much grander scale in church! The children listened carefully and asked and answered questions.  Thank you to Stephanie for her time, it was great to have the opportunity to explore the church.


In Maths this week, the Swallows have been consolidating their work on fractions. We finished off our lessons with a fun board game of doubling and halving! 

On Thursday, the Swallows got creative by making some very impressive baskets and cups, using their newly learnt weaving skills! Thank you so much to the Askrigg Produce Show ladies for coming in and sharing their skills – the children loved it!


The Kingfishers enjoyed our visit from the ladies from the Askrigg Produce Show. All the children worked hard to weave baskets and cups that will be entered into the produce show over the bank holiday weekend in August. 

We have also enjoyed writing our own poems this week in the style of riddles. The children really got to grips with that and wrote some wonderful examples.

In maths we have been revisiting lots of skills from throughout the year. This week we looked at fractions of amounts and developed our column addition. We enjoyed some short spells on TT Rockstars too!

Golden Eagles

The Golden Eagles have continued their work on digestion, focusing on teeth, where the digestive process starts. The children planned and set up an experiment to investigate the effects of different liquids on egg shells, which react in a similar way to the enamel on our teeth. The experiment uses the scientific skill of observing over time so we decided not to use milk even though we drink a lot of it!

In PE, with Mr Bullock, the Golden Eagles learnt the skills and tactics involved in distance running, learning to pace themselves over a race.

On Wednesday, the lovely ladies from the Askrigg Plant and Produce Fair came into school to lead some activities for entries into the fair. The children weaved baskets and pots and wrote about what they would call an eighth day of the week and what they would do with it – Fortnite day seemed a popular choice!


What a fabulous day the Year 5s had at The Wensleydale School on Tuesday. They all put in 100% effort and had a great time playing rounders and participating in athletics activities and a tug of war. Look at those action shots!


In RE, the Merlins have been looking at different beliefs about the soul and how these beliefs can have an impact on how someone might live their life. They were given the opportunity to be creative and create their own depictions of the soul. The end results were incredibly powerful.

This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
Robins (Reception)Faye for excellent use of positional language.
Owls (Y1)Ceci for always being kind and empathetic towards others, offering to help and support. This was particularly evident on our walk , cheering people up when they were feeling weary, offering to swap places with people in the line so that they could be near their friends. Ceci always helps without hesitation – Thank you.
Swallows (Y2)Libby for extra effort in Maths this week when looking at fractions. Libby took her time to ensure she understood the process so that she could then feel confident to work independently and accurately.
Kingfishers (Y3)Olivia for effort across the curriculum, especially English where she takes great care and pride in her work. 
Golden Eagles (Y4)Matilda for her mature approach to all aspects of school life. 
Matilda always gives her best in every lesson, however this week when faced with a difficult situation acted in a mature and compassionate manner, showing that she cares deeply for her friends. 
Herons (Y5)William for showing great maturity, supporting other pupils and being a great role model for others. 
Merlins (Y6)Georgie for her enjoyment during the Bradford trip – she asked amazing questions and had answers. 

Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeEliza for effort and diligence in everything she does.
AskriggFred for courage and enjoyment during swimming.
West BurtonBeatrice Q for courage and resilience during swimming.

Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
OwlsCeci for turning the tap on for her.Rosie
Rosie for leaving the tap on for her.Ceci
Lexi for helping to cheer her up when she was sad.Ceci
KingfishersTheodore and Olivia for helping to wash up after painting. 
MerlinsJo and Layla for being good friends when she was sad. Lily (Herons)

Tidiest ClassroomMerlins
Best School LibraryAskrigg
House Point Winning Team Dormice
Best Class AttendanceSwallows – 100%