Weekly Newsflash! 25th October 2024
Coming up next week…

Headteacher’s Message
Dear families,
What a lovely end to the half term we have had. The children at Askrigg have been preparing for their new-style Celebration Assembly and, at Bainbridge, the younger children have been conducting science observations and engaging in Autumn walks to make the most of this beautiful season.
We are advertising for a new post at our schools: HLTA with SEN allowance. We hope to attract an experienced candidate who can support us in our aim to make our schools truly inclusive of all needs and abilities. If you think you might have the skills and qualifications for this role, please head over to our vacancies page HERE for further details.
Singing Club – bad news and good news!
Unfortunately, our wonderful singing teacher – Debbie Allenby – has contacted me to let me know she won’t be able to continue her singing club after the half term due to unforeseen circumstances. However, singing club will continue thanks to Mr Martin, an experienced teacher and talented musician who also happens to be married to our administrator, Phoebe Martin! He has kindly offered to step into the breach while Mrs Allenby is unavailable. He has been doing some supply cover for us recently so the children are very familiar with him. The singing club will therefore continue to take place on Wednesdays, with the later finishing time of 16:30. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if this finishing time is not convenient, or you would prefer your child to no longer take part.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all our families for their support and to wish them all a wonderful half term break.

Admin Team Message
We are always trying to think of ways to make things easier for parents, and have hopefully come up with a few ways to do that! Below are links to forms that can be completed online – no more printing! If you would prefer to print/download a paper form, find them HERE.
We always love to help where we can, and understand that plans can change last minute – however, we would really appreciate it if you could let us know about any changes to buses/pick-ups by 12pm that day. Of course, things aren’t always that simple and we know sometimes that might not be feasible, but we would really appreciate your support with this when possible.
You may have noticed that we have started to send ‘head bump texts’ rather than phoning home. We felt this was a better use of time, whilst also not panicking parents with a call/voicemail! If for some reason you would always prefer a phone call, please let us know.
As always, if you ever want to discuss anything with us, just drop us an email/phone call or pop into the office (Askrigg – every day except Friday, Bainbridge, every day except Tuesday).
Phoebe & Emma 🙂
Flu Vaccinations – Monday 11th November
Our local vaccination team has asked us to reach out to parents to remind them about the upcoming Nasal flu vaccination. The team will be in school on Monday 11th November, please sign up or opt out HERE at your earliest convenience, using your child’s taught school.
Please note:
- For your child to receive their Nasal flu vaccination in school, please complete a YES consent form using the link above.
- If your child cannot have the Nasal spray, the injectable flu vaccine is available, and you will be able to choose that method on the consent form.
- If you DO NOT wish for your child to have a flu vaccination, please complete a NO consent via the same link.
Y6 Hockey @ TWS
On Wednesday, some our fabulous Year 6 children took part in a hockey tournament at The Wensleydale School and BAWB came second by just one point! Lily was also given an award for great sportsmanship – we are so proud!

Our Eco-Warriors made paper bricks in their session last week!

They also played a game of ‘Thunderbolts and Rainbows’ – an eco-warrior spin on Snakes and Ladders!

The nursery children worked really hard in Maths using the blocks to compare sizes using the vocabulary, big, tall, little and small!

We used our new counting cows! In Reception, they helped us with our learning on one more and one less.

Some of our nursery children have really enjoyed mark making this week which has been fantastic to see!

In Reception Maths at the end of the week, we have been looking at shapes. We went on shape hunts around the classroom and found lots of circles and squares but triangles were trickier to find!

Some amazing work on number sentences in the owls this week. They have used their understanding of part whole models to help them to write addition calculations.

We searched for signs of autumn in the playground and on the field and captured them using viewfinders.

The Swallows have had another great week!

In music we have been performing songs and composing music on computers. In History we have continued to look at holidays, thinking about our own holidays in the past and making scrap books to help us remember them.

The Swallows have examined bricks and rocks in science, thinking about their properties and uses.

Lots of fun was had in our final PE lesson, playing Tidy the Bedroom, Dodgeball and Benchball.

Have a great half term everyone!
Golden Eagles
The Golden Eagles started a new unit of work this week in Science, called States of Matter, where we are learning about solids, liquids and gases. We investigated the viscosity of different liquids, and how this made them more difficult or slow to pour. We also tried to work out if Ooblek is a solid or a liquid and saw a great video about people walking, running and riding bikes across a swimming pool full of it!

Rehearsing for Celebration Assembly!

Our Herons have been getting to grips with their clarinets this week, and have mastered how to assemble the instruments and how to put their reeds on! After half-term they’ll be able to bring them home to practise (I know you’ll all be pleased about that!).

To finish their computing unit exploring transferring data and communication, the Merlins have created their own PowerPoints. We were put into groups and the children decided what their PowerPoint was going to be about and created it – without saying a word to one another! The children pretended that they were in a different location to the rest of their group and were allowed to communicate only through their devices. The purpose of this task was to demonstrate the pros and cons of using technology as a form of communication.
All of the children worked effectively as a team and we presented our final presentations to the rest of the class. Although we had some questionable football opinions, we all thoroughly enjoyed this activity