Weekly Newsflash! 20th September 2024

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Monday– N/R/Y1 Sports Club @ Bainbridge
Tuesday– EYFS Balance Bike Sessions
– Forest Skills Club @ Askrigg
Wednesday – Y5/6 Boys Football at TWS
– Singing Club @ Askrigg – please note, singing club finishes at 4:10pm
– Y2/3/4/5/6 Sports Club @ Askrigg
Thursday– Clarinet Lessons
– Cycle Club @ Bainbridge
Friday– Science Club @ Askrigg



We are pleased to say that Tuesday’s swimming lessons at Catterick Leisure Centre went really well! Mrs Johnston said “Everyone has had such fun at all ability levels, they are all keen to improve and behaved impeccably!”.

Please remember to pack spare underwear in your child’s bag if they are wearing their swimming costume/shorts underneath!

Headteacher’s Message

Dear families,

Firstly, a big well done to our girls’ football team who attended an inter-schools competition this week and came first! I was very proud of their success but, more importantly, the way they represented our schools. I also thoroughly enjoyed seeing their celebrations!

It was lovely to see so many of you at Askrigg on Thursday evening. We had lots of positive comments about the new classrooms – great to hear! We have been discussing the name of the new section of the building as a staff and have decided to commemorate a dear colleague who we sadly lost just over a year ago by calling it ‘The Rebecca Alderson Annexe’. We are very grateful to John Pickard and Sons who have kindly offered to donate a stone plaque engraved with this name and we also plan to have some hanging baskets and planters with flowers in Rebecca’s favourite colours in the entrance yard.

Many of you also stayed on after the Annexe visit and joined the PTFA’s AGM – thanks to all of you for your support! The PTFA donated nearly £4000 to the schools last year, which helped us to fund classroom resources, extra-curricular trips, leavers’ hoodies, Easter Eggs, Christmas books and much more. We are so grateful for the support. You can help with fundraising on Sunday October 13th by encouraging your children to attend the first BAWB Fun Run, which will take place at Askrigg School at 10am. Please click here to sign up.

Finally, a number of parents have spoken to me about homework and have asked me to revisit our homework policy. As many different viewpoints have been shared with me, I feel I need to conduct a survey before making a decision so I can get a full picture of what parents feel would be helpful. Please click here to take part.

If you take a look at the class pages, you will find timetables and curriculum overviews that show you what your child will be learning this term. It can be really helpful to explore these topics at home too which enhances your child’s learning and can be a lovely way to spend some time together. Just click on ‘Classes’ within the Curriculum drop-down menu at the top of the page.

Sporting Success!

This Wednesday, seven girls from our federation headed down to The Wensleydale School for the annual cluster football tournament. The girls managed to go unbeaten in the tournament and bring the trophy home all while finishing top scorers in the competition! The girls showed fantastic collaboration, respect and teamwork and were a real credit to our federation. Mrs Fawcett could not believe how well they played and heaped praise on them all. We are very proud, girls! 

All eyes on the boys’ competition next Wednesday now!

PTFA Update

Thank you to those who came along to the AGM – please find the minutes HERE – and thank you to BAWB for letting us look around the lovely new annexe! The new committee is now in place – we are delighted that Katie Seal will be chair, Emma Metcalfe vice chair, James Wilkins secretary, Shell Thornborrow treasurer and Dianne Fawcett completes the committee. The committee has set its first meeting to be next Thursday 26th, 7pm at Askrigg School. We hope this venue will allow more people to come along and see what goes on and have a say in how funds are raised and donated. Please come along! 

Y6 Parents


Open Evenings


In Robins this week, we have been using our maths skills to notice things that are the same and different – for example, building towers with blocks that were similar, but not the same, and finding the differences between then. We also organised things into groups according to colour, or into lots of other categories that we chose. 

In preparation for our harvest festival, we had a fun and busy afternoon making collages of different fruits and vegetables. The children took great care to be as detailed as possible and were very proud of their final outcomes! 


In RE the children retold the parable of The Lost Son using stick puppets – they remembered lots of detail and understood the importance of forgiveness.

We have enjoyed drawing fruit and vegetables for the Harvest display in St Andrew’s Church, lots of careful work with attention to detail.
The Owls have enjoyed working together to build structures during their time in the outdoor space.


This week the Swallows have continued preparing for harvest by making a harvest basket display for St Andrew’s Church and writing a poem about Harvest.

We are making great use of the fantastic weather in PE, improving our football skills, there have been some great dribbling, passing and shooting.

In Art we are continuing to use nature for inspiration in our art work, making patterns using natural items found in our forest school area.

Golden Eagles

The Golden Eagles had fun putting together and blowing their clarinets this week!  We are looking forward to learning some notes and maybe getting to bring them home with us at some stage so that we can share them with you!

We have been learning to classify animals in our Science lessons and used sweets to practice making a classification key – yum!

In French we have been learning to count to 10 and say hello, what is your name? and how are you?  Bonjour!  Salut! Comment tu t’appelles? Ça va?


The Herons have had a great week this week and there has been lots going on.

In English this week, we have worked hard on planning and writing a persuasive letter using a range of persuasive features. 

We have also enjoyed creating some harvest artwork for St Andrew’s church. 

In maths this week, we have delved deeper into our place value unit and have started becoming more comfortable working with numbers up to one million. 
In music, we learnt how to assemble our clarinets and had our first try and making them make a noise. It wasn’t the most tuneful, but it was our first attempt!
In PE, we worked on a range of attacking skills including dribbling and shooting. Maybe this helped with our footballing success in the cluster competition. 


The Merlins have thoroughly enjoyed a relaxing morning creating some harvest artwork and poems for the new harvest display at St. Andrew’s Church. The final products look amazing!