Weekly Newsflash! 17th May 2024

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Monday– Sports Club
Tuesday– Y5/6 Boys Cricket @ Middleham
– EYFS bike session
– Forest Skills Club
– Y6 top up swimming (specific pupils)
Wednesday – “24s” Maths Challenge @ Richmond School
– Singing Club
Thursday– Y5/6 Girls Cricket @ Middleham
– Cycle Club
Friday-Science Club
– Lunchtime dance club with Dales Dance
– Y4 online meeting with Roundhay School
– Break up for May Half Term


Headteacher’s Message

Dear families,

There were lots of happy faces on Thursday as the Year 6 children completed their final exam of the week. All of them worked incredibly hard and we are very proud of them. I’m sure they are all pleased that SATs are over but I think they may miss their daily SATs breakfast, which proved very popular!

We had some sad news this week when Leanne Middleton, our wonderful EYFS teacher, announced that she would be leaving at the end of this term. Leanne has some exciting plans for the future and is looking forward to the beginning of a new chapter. She is also hoping to continue to help us out as a supply teacher on occasions and, of course, we will see plenty of her as the parent of children at our schools.

Our children continue to make us proud with their achievements outside school. I want to say a big well done to Tristan Alderson, who won the Catterick Golf Club Junior PGA Major, beating 21 other young players to the title. What an amazing achievement! He is pictured with his trophies below.

Finally, an update on a fund-raising challenge that has been taken on by one of our parents, Dr Jo Quinton. Jo has successfully completed her trekking marathon in aid of CoppaFeel!, the breast cancer awareness charity. Jo says, “Please could you write a note in the newsflash thanking the children for supporting CoppaFeel! with their non-uniform day last Friday. The CoppaTrek! Challenge was such a memorable day where I got to meet so many inspirational people who kept me company on the way.” As well as the support banner created by the pupils at BAWB, Jo’s own children met her and the other trekkers at the 18 mile mark (pictured below), which Jo said gave them all a real boost.

SIAMS Review

On Tuesday, two advisers from our Diocese will be coming to carry out a SIAMs review day and may want to talk to parents. A SIAMs inspection (which stands for Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) assesses the impact of the distinctive Christian character of two of our schools on the pupils, parents, staff, governors, and all other members of the school community. The review day is a bit like a ‘mock’ SIAMs to help us prepare for that inspection, which is due in the near future. As our three schools are so closely linked, the advisers will be at all three over the course of the day. Please don’t be surprised if they ask to speak to you at the school gates as they like to gather the views of parents, as well as staff, children and governors.

BAWB gets Silver!

We are so pleased to say that the BAWB Federation has achieved the School Games Mark for PE, winning a silver award.

Safeguarding Item


Acorns to Oaks

Our wonderful teaching assistant, Mr Stokes, is holding some fabulous activities over the Easter Holidays, be sure to book a place!

Newbold Hope Training Webinars

Yvonne is an expert by experience in learning disability and autism. To learn more about Yvonne Newbold, please visit her website: Home – Newbold Hope. Each session lasts for two hours, with time for questions, and is currently free of charge. To sign up please complete the form HERE.

City of Leeds Basketball Community Delivery & Summer Selection Series Sessions


Our nursery children have been going number crazy this week!

We have read Sharing a Shell and A Home for Hermit Crab.

Some imaginative play going on in Robins! The dinosaurs are not allowed to break it. Girls and boys can both hide in here, and an asteroid will make the dinosaurs extinct!

Using tiny brushes to paint our butterfly wings.

The Robins have been investigating the life cycle of a dandelion this week.


We love receiving storybooks from the children’s book awards, each time we are given a range of books and we vote for our class favourite and the results are submitted. This time was extra special as we were choosing a from a range of finalists…..we were also very excited to be told we could keep these four wonderful stories.  Here are two of the owls enjoying a second read of the story that won the class vote!

In music this week we the children learned a new song ‘Alice the Camel’,  improvising using the glockenspiels.


The Swallows have been concentrating on their history this week, continuing their learning about monarchs. This time they’ve been identifying how William the Conqueror built castles – some impressive labelling by our Swallows!


The kingfishers have had another busy week. Can you guess how tomatoes, salt and cling film would link to our history topic on Ancient Egypt? We have been mummifying tomatoes to preserve them. I wonder if they will be in a good condition in 4000 years like some of the pharaohs? 

In English this week we have written a story based on an illustration from our book. Here are two examples. We also have peers feedback to help each other improve. 

In science this week we have also observed our plants we started growing a few weeks ago. Most of them are still looking healthy and we have discussed why some are yet to germinate. We have even had one die after some heavy handling last week!

Golden Eagles

The Golden Eagles finished off their unit on animals and their habitats with a game of 20 questions using their classification skills to identify different animals from a range of habitats. 

In preparation for our next maths unit on time, the Golden Eagles matched analogue to digital times. The Golden eagles also tried out the Gov.UK practice Multiplications Table Check that they will be taking early next to half term. Thanks to all our practice on Times Tables Rockstars the children found it a bit too easy!

In PE, the Golden Eagles had a fantastic time playing rounders on our new pitch. It was fantastic to see the teamwork and fielding tactics develop over the lesson.


In Herons we have been looking at asexual reproduction in the plant and animal kingdom. While our classroom is slowly taken over by spider and money plants that have reproduced by sending out runners, we decided to investigate which other plants we could clone by taking cuttings. 


What a week in the Merlins! We have all, graciously, survived SATs week and finished it off with a cold ice lolly in the sun.

I would just like to say a huge thank you to all parents, staff and governors for supporting our children through this rather challenging week. I know you will all agree with me when I say we are all so incredibly proud.

Most importantly, I would like to say a huge thank you and an even bigger congratulations to all of our year 6 pupils. You have all amazed and inspired me throughout this school year and I am so fortunate to have the pleasure of teaching you. You tackled SATs week with positivity, maturity and determination; you should all be proud of yourselves.

Let the fun begin!

Miss Telford.

This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
Robins (Nursery)Emilia for engaging in learning with enthusiasm. She likes numbers and kicking balls and playing instruments. She likes mark making and listening. 
Robins (Reception)Ollie for super reading using his phonics and some sight words. 
Owls (Y1)Otto for encouraging others and for his positive attitude towards all areas of learning.
Swallows (Y2)Rocco for always striving to challenge himself rather than just take the easiest and quickest option in his work.
Kingfishers (Y3)Lizzy for persevering in the face of adversity – she hasn’t complained once about her broken arm.
Golden Eagles (Y4)Fearne for exemplary effort in everything she does. Fearne cares deeply about her learning and it shows in the progress she is making. 
Herons (Y5)Lily has a fabulous attitude to learning. She participates brilliantly in all lessons and can always be relied upon to put in 100% effort. 
Merlins (Y6)Surviving SATs Certificate

Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeHarry for kindness, excellent manners and a hard-working attitude.
AskriggArchie & Martha for resilience; keeping going no matter what!
West BurtonMartha for diligence; always working hard and trying her best 

Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
OwlsOtto for making her laugh when she was sad and Rosie for putting her bookbag back on her peg. Ceci
Lexi for helping him when he fell over.Otto
SwallowsRose for helping to find her lost puppet, which she made in art, after it fell out of her book.Aimee
Aimee for helping her to make her puppet in Art. Rose
Aimee and Rose for teaching Sophie and Libby how to do a cartwheel. Emma
Sophie for creating a bug hotel in the school garden.Libby
KingfishersMartha, Olivia and Ada for being good friends when she hurt her arm.Lizzy
Olivia for helping Lizzy with things that she couldn’t do because of her injured arm.Martha & Rosie
Golden EaglesCharlie for encouraging him to join in with his game when he was lonely.Sidney
HeronsHarry for looking after him when he injured his foot.Theo

Tidiest ClassroomHerons
Best School LibraryAskrigg
House Point Winning Team Dormice
Best Class AttendanceGolden Eagles, Merlins, Swallows, Kingfishers – 100%