28th January 2022

Pupil of the week Robins Emma, for effort and enjoyment. Emma has done some great subitising in Maths and lovely writing about Antarctica. Owls William for his kindness, always being a considerate friend and helping others. Golden Eagles Amelie, for infectious enjoyment in our music lesson. Merlins William D, for Read more…

21st January 2022

Pupil of the week Robins Francesca, for a fabulous first two weeks in Robins. She has been super helpful and showed effort when making her Penguin- great cutting skills! Owls Joey, for a mature and responsible approach to his learning. Golden Eagles Otis, for being more responsible for his learning Read more…

RESPECT Code Revival

We have re-branded our RESPECT code and are working to raise its profile within our school community. The image of a tree helps to root our RESPECT code in the message of The Good Samaritan: from this message of courageous compassion grows our code and underpins our good behaviour. See Read more…

Goodbye Mrs Wilman

It is with sadness that we say goodbye to the wonderful Mrs Wilman today. Mrs Wilman has been a fantastic part of our federation admin team and has been central to the smooth running of West Burton in particular. She is pursuing an exciting new career and we all wish Read more…

14th January 2022

Pupil of the week Robins Sophie, for her ever growing confidence and enjoyment when engaging in activities. Sophie has also made some thoughtful contributions during class discussions. Owls Archie has had a fantastic start to the new term, following every aspect of the RESPECT code, in particular effort and enjoyment Read more…

Spring Term Update

How lovely to have all our nursery back in school. Our new starters have been very impressive. They are so excited to be here and are settling really well. They are participating in all sorts of different activities with enjoyment and effort.  This week the children have taken home new Read more…