Weekly Newsflash! 11th October 2024

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Monday– N/R/Y1 Sports Club @ Bainbridge
Tuesday– EYFS Balance Bike Sessions
– Forest Skills Club @ Askrigg
Wednesday – Wear a Woolly Wednesday!
– NO Singing Club @ Askrigg
– Y2/3/4/5/6 Sports Club @ Askrigg
Thursday– Clarinet Lessons
– Cycle Club @ Bainbridge
Friday– Celebration Assembly @ Bainbridge
– Science Club @ Askrigg


Headteacher’s Message

Dear families,

You may by now have heard rumours of tokens and class treats! This is part of our new behaviour policy, which aims to support children to work collaboratively to develop behaviour and share in the rewards. The policy is based on three key rules or ‘promises’: Be Kind, Be Safe, Learn Together.

As part of this policy, children are awarded tokens if staff spot them upholding these promises, with the tokens collectively going towards a class treat once they reach the thresholds of 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 and 200 tokens. Please see the class pages for the details of the treats available in each class. If you would like to read the new behaviour policy, it is available HERE.

I would also like to update you on our involvement with the Partners in Neurodiversity (PiNS) project, which started last year. We are very lucky to be involved in a DfE trial of this project which brings experts, agencies, schools and parents together to improve understanding of neurodiversity. This term, staff at our schools will benefit from two training packages on Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) and Inclusion. Parents can also get support from PiNS: please see below for a PiNS newsletter with lots of support and advice for parents of neurodiverse children.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.


School Council and Eco-Warriors Election!

Harvest Festival

Last Friday afternoon, we all got together to celebrate Harvest Festival at St Andrew’s Church. The Robins and Owls started us off with a rousing rendition of Big, Red Combine Harvester. This was followed by the Swallow’s own version of H is for the Harvest. The Golden Eagles created fantastic Harvest artwork and explained what Harvest meant to them, whilst the Herons presented a drama based on the feeding of the 5000, complete with loaves and fishes. The Merlins finished off our festival with Harvest prayers and poems.

As always, thank you to Rev Tom, Rev Dave, Sarah and their teams.

(Almost time to start preparing for our Christmas service!)

World Mental Health Day!

On Thursday, BAWB discussed World Mental Health and how doodling can help us to express how we feel and remember all the positive things in our lives. The children were fantastic, and really enjoyed their time doodling away!

Wear a Woolly Wednesday

On Wednesday 18th we will be taking part in the ‘Wear a Woolly Wednesday’ initiative.

As well as their usual school uniform, children need come to school with an extra layer, gloves, scarf and hat as we turn off the heating for the day in order to understand the impact it has on our energy usage.

Our eco-warriors will read the meters at the beginning and end of the school day on Tuesday and Wednesday so we can see what a difference wearing our woollies can make!


Reception have been making patterns everywhere for Maths! 

We have all been working on our fine motor skills and mark making! 

We had a super fun PE session working on our jumping and going round an obstacle course. 

Nursery have been working really hard on making groups in Maths and using the vocabulary: more, less and the same to compare them. 

We looked at a book called ‘You Choose’ this week.. On each page, there was lots of things for the children to choose from- where they would like to live, what job they would like to do, what food they would most like to eat. We talked about how we all like different things and that is okay! We can all be friends and like different things. 

And other fun things in the Robins! 


Another busy week for the Owls. 

Some sunshine before the rain came saw the Owls enjoy team games in PE. 

In maths we have moved onto our new unit, the children have been learning about part whole models and using them to make totals. Next stop number sentences!

In art the Owls have enjoyed creating observational drawings, looking closely at shells and drawing the lines and patterns they could see. 

A fantastic week of learning, there’s huge excitement as we approach our first class treat! Great work Owls, well done.


On Monday, the Swallows celebrated their first milestone on their behaviour journey. After earning 25 tokens, the Swallows had a hat day, bringing in and wearing their favourite hats. The next class treat is extra breaktime, let’s hope that we have better weather next week as the jar is already filling up.

In science this week, we have been focusing on hygiene. On Monday, the Swallows used oregano to investigate how easily germs can be spread and also learnt the importance and technique for good handwashing. Don’t worry if you hear your child singing happy birthday whilst handwashing – you should wash your hands for 20 seconds or two renditions of Happy Birthday!

We have also looked at dental hygiene and used disclosing tablets to highlight any plaque on our teeth. Mr Scrafton was very impressed at the lack of red, which would have indicated old plaque – keep up the great teeth brushing.
In RE we have continued our work on Islam by looking at the Night of Power, during which Muslims believe that the word of Allah was given to Muhammad. The Swallows created their own representations of that night.

Golden Eagles

In Golden Eagles this week, we have been busy starting to making our vorpal swords! We have sketched a design, cut out card and added detail. We are now adding foil to give a metallic look whilst highlighting definition.


The Herons have had a great week and have been really quite creative. In History this week we have been investigating the different roles the Vikings were often depicted as such as creators and traders. 

In RE we looked at Global Christianity and created posters to explain our understanding of it!

In PSHE we have been looking at how an individuals actions can impact a team both positively and negatively. We worked in teams to build towers and considered what makes a great teammate.

In PE we have been putting all our football skills together and we played a mini competition.
We enjoyed doing one of Mrs Fawcett’s puzzles at the end of the day – these are super tough and require lots of trial and error!


In English, the Merlins have been thoroughly enjoying their new reading book ‘Skellig’. We have been analysing the different characters based on their dialogue and actions within the text. We are eager to get to know more about Skellig and what happens in the garage! 

In Maths, we have been learning about the order of operations. We have looked at the acronym BODMAS and used it to solve some calculations.

In French, we have come to the end of our unit of French unit ‘French Sports and the Olympics’. We have created our own French sporting diaries using the correct verbs and opinion verbs – we are thoroughly looking forward for the next unit ‘French Football Champions’.