Weekly Newsflash! 1st March 2024

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Monday– After School Sports @ Askrigg
Tuesday – Y3 & Y4 Swimming
Please can children come into school with their swimming gear underneath their uniform, along with a towel, water bottle and goggles if they wish. Children are also welcome to bring a piece of fruit with them 🙂
Wednesday – Y5/6 Archery/Kurling & Boccia @ Richmond School
– After School Singing Club @ Askrigg
Thursday– World Book Day!
Friday– Celebration Assembly
– Science Club @ Askrigg


Parent Survey

Dear Families,

I am really keen to hear your views about your child’s experience at our schools. We have created a parent survey which is based on the questions Ofsted ask when they inspect a school.  I would encourage as many of you as possible to take part in this survey so I can identify any concerns or issues and try and address them. Most of the questions are multiple choice but there is also a free text question at the end where you are encourage to add any other thoughts or questions you might have. Thank you in advance for taking the time to help me with this.

Please find the survey HERE.

VACANCY: Caretaker at Bainbridge

We are really sad to be saying farewell to Irena at the end of April. Irena has looked after Bainbridge school to an incredibly high standard for a number of years. We will miss her kindness, attention to detail and forgiveness when the glitter comes out at Christmas!

Irena, we wish you all the best on this new chapter and look forward to keeping in touch.

NYC are now recruiting to fill Irena’s shoes, for more information please see our vacancies page here.

Spare socks, please!

Our wonderful EYFS team have asked parents to bring in spare socks please! The team would really appreciate it so we can keep the children’s feet dry and toasty warm if their socks get damp during the day. Many thanks in advance 🙂

World Book Day! Thursday 7th March

Don’t forget that next Thursday 7th is World Book Day!! We are inviting pupils to come to school dressed as their favourite character from a book, if they wish. Of course, children are more than welcome to come in uniform if they would prefer.

Remember that the PTFA are hosting another stories and hot chocolate evening for World Book Day too! More information, and the link to book, is available HERE

Red Nose Day! Friday 15th March

After a very important school council meeting on Monday, it has been decided by our councillors that in exchange for a £1 donation we will be:

  • Wearing our clothes inside out
    • Having crazy hair
      • Odd shoes!
        • Dressing in one colour

Please remember this is all in fun, and for charity! Children do not have to do any of the above if they would prefer not to – similarly, they can do any combination of the above 🙂

Safeguarding Item


PTFA Meeting

The next PTFA meeting is scheduled for Thursday 7th March – please find the agenda here. The meeting will be held at The Falls Cafe, Aysgarth at 19:30, we would love for you to join us!

Wensleydale Bike Club

Wensleydale Bike Club sessions are set to start again! Our beginner drop in session is suitable for balance bikes and improving cyclists starts again Saturday 2nd March 9.30am from our cafe – bikes and helmets are available to loan. No need to book! Sessions on Saturday 4.30pm and Sunday 10am will also be running.

These off site sessions are booked online. The session type is explained online but if you are interested in coming along for the first time and need more information please get in touch https://www.stage1cycles.co.uk/collections/whats-on / 01969 666873 / [email protected]


We have been doing lots of exploring colour this week. The children have been mixing different paint colours together to create new colours for their paintings and it was very exciting finding out what colour the water would be when they mixed two different water colours together! They have also really enjoyed doing some tissue paper art- the children tore up different coloured tissue paper, layering it onto clear plastic sheets. Once held up by the window, the children could see what different colours were made. 

Leading on from the children playing some lovely “dentist” role play, we added our own Dentist area near the Home Corner. This supported the children to explore brushing teeth carefully with our large pretend sets of teeth and they could observe their own teeth in the mirrors. They were fascinated by all the teeth facts in our book too- they could not believe that the animal with the most teeth is a Snail! 

We have started preparing our Mother’s Day cards. The children have chosen how they are going to write ‘I love you’ for the inside of their card. Some children have painted their message, whilst others have chalked, felt tipped or used objects to write their message.

There has still been some brilliant “exploring Antarctica” role play too. The children have  enjoyed setting up camps to give themselves shelter whilst on their journeys. 

To link in with our Maths learning about comparing length and height, and to encourage the children to explore moving their bodies to different music; we acted out the story of Jack and the Beanstalk . The children pretended to be the beanstalk growing very tall and then acted out being the Giant and Jack at different points in the story. The children showed great imagination to match their body movements to different music! 

We are very excited that Robins are now doing Forest Schools with Mr Stokes on Friday afternoons- a great way to end the school week! Hopefully we will have some exciting photos of the fun things they have been learning during this time soon. 


In PE this week the Owls have been practising throwing and racket skills during partner work.

Our second lesson of DT has been building freestanding structures that were strong enough to hold a bottle of water, some great ideas and discussions.

Swallows & Kingfishers

Mr Greenway had a big birthday this week – have a guess how old he is now! The children enjoyed singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him and he very much enjoyed his lemon cake courtesy of Mrs Teasdale! The staff even had a party at lunchtime which included a game of Dobble , the strawberry lace race and the after eight game!

The Swallows and Kingfishers had a go at writing their own composition this week in Music on the glockenspiels. All the children worked brilliantly with their partners and produced some  fantastic little tunes! We also warmed up our voices for singing – have a look at some of the faces we pulled!

In PSHE, we are thinking about how to make healthy choices in our lives. We weighed out the amount of sugar in different food items and thought about the impact sugar can have on our bodies.

Golden Eagles

This week the Golden Eagles seriously impressed us with their musical skills! BAWB’s Got Talent anyone?!


This week the Herons have been tasting and analysing vegetable soups.  Aldi’s Specially Selected Tomato and Lentil came out a firm favourite! The leek and potato was not as popular. 

Next, we will be designing and creating our own seasonable vegetable soup.


The Merlins and Herons enjoyed a lovely, informative visit from the Bank and Building Society. We we taught the importance of finance and what we can do to look after our money. We explored the history of money and how goods were exchanged before money was invented. The children asked some very useful and interesting questions.

This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
Robins (Reception)Joshua for brilliant effort in all of his learning- especially phonics where he has been working hard to blend sounds to read words
Owls (Y1)Annie for being super helpful to staff and her peers: tidying, organising, and supporting all the class’s routines.
Swallows (Y2)Oscar for effort and perseverance with his reading. We are so proud of Oscar’s hard work!
Kingfishers (Y3)Archie for effort, drive and determination across the curriculum.
Golden Eagles (Y4)Douglas for outstanding effort and increased independence. 
Herons (Y5)Jacob for fabulous hard work on your comprehension skills and (on a totally different note) for being extremely helpful and enthusiastic when helping Mrs D-F organise the PE resources. 
Merlins (Y6)Johnny for making the right choices and being a sensible, kind member of the class.

Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeRiley for working hard to improve his learning behaviours 

Gabriel for making excellent choices in all areas of school life 
AskriggSam for embracing our No Outsiders philosophy and acting as an excellent role model to others 
West BurtonAnna for a fantastic attitude to school life

Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
SwallowsSophie for helping her log into a Chromebook when she wasn’t sure how to.Libby
Golden EaglesMatilda for being a good friend when she was upset. Florence
Sidney for giving him a hug when he was upset.Charlie
HeronsLily-Anne for making her happy when she was sad.Lydia
Lydia for helping her on a question in Geography when she was stuck.Lily
Abe for being extremely kind and thoughtful, helping another student who needed support.Mrs Hodgson
MerlinsJo for being a kind friend to Archie and offering to share her food with him.Layla & Katie

Tidiest ClassroomOwls
Best School LibraryWest Burton
House Point Winning Team Dormice
Best Class AttendanceRobins – 98%