Weekly Newsflash! Friday 30th June 2023

Published by John on

Strike Action

Our schools will be unaffected by further industrial action next week: we are fully open as normal on Wednesday and Friday.

Y3 & Y4 Swimming Lessons

Please note that the Y3 and Y4 swimming lesson on Tuesday 4th July has been cancelled due to a pool closure. We are hopeful that it will reopen the following week (Tuesday 11th July) and will keep you informed of any developments.

Part-time Headship

Last Friday saw a rigorous recruitment process for the 0.2 (one day) headship role. We had two candidates who were interviewed by our school council; they delivered a collective worship; completed an unseen task; and were interviewed by a panel including our chair of governors and Local Authority adviser. Both candidates were great!

I am delighted to inform you that Miss Collins was appointed to the role which begins in September.

Teaching Assistant Vacancy

Why not take a look at our latest vacancy? We are looking for an enthusiastic and highly motivated individual, passionate about the curriculum and standards, who will join us in bringing learning alive for our children through inspirational and dedicated practice.  

Click here to read all about the vacancy and to download an application pack.

If you are curious, why not come and talk to me about it?

School Council

Our School Council has a had a busy few weeks – they conducted interviews for the co-headship as well as discussions surrounding the pump track at Bainbridge!

Lunch Choices Form – Autumn 2023

It’s that time again! Click here for the online form to select your child’s preferences for next term (September). We would really appreciate a response by Friday 7th July 2023.


We would like to make families aware of cannabis edibles which are increasingly being offered to young people across the country. In some cases gangs are using edibles as a ‘hook’ through which they coerce pre-teenage children into the county lines model. They do this particularly because children aged under ten-years-old are under the age of criminal responsibility. 

Click here to read more about this problem.

Nursery Taster Sessions

Did you know that every 3 year old is entitled to 15 hours of free nursery funding?! Next week, we have a few taster sessions open for our fantastic nursery! Why not come along and get a ‘feel’ for what we offer – our nursery boasts a free-flow outdoor area together with the latest facilities and equipment indoors across two rooms.

Our open days are due to take place on the 4th and 5th July between 13:00 – 15:00, we hope to see you there! If you plan on coming along, please email or call the office with your details so we can be ready to welcome you.

Summer Sports Club!

Chris Bullock is holding a sports club at Bainbridge during the summer holidays – please find more information here.


As we are now approaching the end of the school year, please can all parents check their ParentPay accounts for any outstanding balances. We appreciate your co-operation.


The link to our uniform website is now live, please find the link here. Sizing samples of the new uniform is currently available at West Burton, and it will be at Bainbridge the following week.

We have changed supplier due to critique of the quality, and we are sure that you’ll be much happier with the new uniforms – feedback is always welcomed and taken on board. The uniform policy can be found here – please note that there is no expectation to buy new uniform, this is purely your choice.

Please utilise the preloved uniform sales that our wonderful PTFA organises, they will be at both sports days this year with the uniform that they have available.

We have had feedback from a parent regarding the polo shirt – if you would prefer a 100% cotton polo shirt, please make this clear in the order notes at checkout when adding the polo shirt to the basket.

NO Celebration Assembly – 7th July 2023

Please remember that there is NO celebration assembly next Friday 7th July – children will end the day at their home schools as normal for pick up at 3:30pm.

Beatrice’s Ballet Performance!

Beatrice and her fellow dancers took part in a ballet performance at The Forum, Northallerton last weekend. The children did incredibly well in both of the performances (2 hours each). Beatrice alongside her peers opened the beginning of the second interval and their final dance was the penultimate one which allowed her to watch the first half of the show front of stage!

Civic Awareness Photography Competition

Richmond & District Civic Society are holding a fantastic competition for those who like to take a snap! There’s a chance to win £50 so well worth a go! Please find more information here.


Did you know you can synchronise your calendar with our school calendar? Click here to visit the calendar and click the link at the bottom of the page that says ‘subscribe to calendar’ – this will enable you to push events out to your personal calendars.


Our caterpillars have almost all turned into beautiful butterflies and are ready to be released outside. The children have loved watching them – and have even named them!

Our Pirate topic has produced some fabulous learning in Robins this week. The children have buried treasure in our sand, created their own treasure chests in the craft area and used the big crates to build their own pirate ships, ready for some brilliant role play. We have some new Pirate Playmobil which has caused much excitement. We have been so impressed by all the sharing, turn taking and story telling we have seen as the children played there. 

You can’t have a Pirate topic without treasure maps! The children have looked at other treasure maps in stories before making their own. They’ve been labelling their maps and talking us through how you get to the treasure.


We started our week with a taste testing session for DT! In a couple of weeks, we are going to be making fruit salad so of course we had to taste lots of different fruits so we would know what we want on our own! We tried: strawberry, raspberry, pineapple, mango, grapes and pomegranate. The children then decided which fruit they would like in their own fruit salad – some have chosen cucumber!

On Tuesday, the Owls went on a walk to Askrigg to visit Rev Dave at the church. We started our day off with a YUMMY ice cream from the Cornmill Bakewell- the childrens smiles say it all, they were very excited about it! A big thank you to the PTFA for paying for our ice creams. 

We walked over to Askrigg, had lunch at school then carried on walking up to the church. The children had fabulous recall in the church of everything we have been learning- Rev Dave was super impressed! Thankfully the weather almost held out for us other than a bit of “soft rain”.  Mrs Park and Mrs Fawcett are extremely proud of all the Owls – they walked really smartly and sensibly – and no one complained once! They were all fantastic ambassadors for the school. We had an excellent day and hope our walk next week up Addlebrough is the same! 


The Swallows continued their work on food preparation in DT this week by practising their peeling, cutting and grating skills on carrots. Next week we will be practising different skills on fruits that the Swallows will taste so that they can design, make and evaluate their own smoothies.
This week’s PE lesson was quiet as most of the class were representing the school at the Quad Kids athletics competition so we had our own athletics competition, hopefully the Quad Kids competitors had as much fun as we did!
In History, the Swallows learnt about the Terrible Knitters of Dent and how miners had to supplement their income by knitting. We made a good attempt but agreed that without a lot of practise we would not be able to knit one-handed whilst walking to work!

The Swallows had a fantastic trip to Morecambe and Heysham Nature Reserve on Thursday. Whilst the main focus was geography, the day was full of lots of cross-curricular learning! We started at the Heysham Nature Reserve with a nature walk where we spotted lots of wildlife in their habitat and looked at some of the methods of seed dispersal. Combining, science, history and geography, we looked at fossils found on and around the beach, including a woolly mammoth bone and hair. Our geography work continued with an investigation into how Heysham had changed by looking at historical maps and aerial photographs.

After lunch we went into Heysham for a well-deserved ice cream before visiting the Heysham Heritage Centre to find out about the local history of the coastal area followed by the local church, which contains a Viking Hogback Stone. Above the church, we visited the rock graves and then continued on to the coast where we looked at mudflats, salt marshes and sea defences. We finished the trip off with an exploration of the beach and its tidal pools.


In science this week we drew the outline of our body and added some of the key bones in our skeleton.  Ask a kingfisher what type of skeleton we have!  Some great detail and labelling Kingfishers, well done!

In DT the Kingfishers were learning to prepare food safely and hygienically, using spreading, slicing and arranging skills in preparation for their sandwich design and making later in the term.

Golden Eagles

This week, the Golden Eagles have moved on to their new maths topic ‘Shape’. We spent the morning exploring angles and how we can use these when explaining the direction and position of an object. We used our new clock resources to make quarter, half, three-quarter and full turns to give us a new time. Next week, we will be looking a the specialist names and properties of shapes. 


Here are a few pictures from the Merlins who attended the quad kids athletics at Richmond school this week. All our children worked as a team fantastically. The behaviour from the BAWB children was exemplary as always. Well done team!

Our Y6 Merlins spent a great day in Morecambe on Thursday playing on the beach, bowling, eating pizza, playing in the arcades and having an ice cream. Special thanks to the PTFA for their kind donations towards this and all things leavers! 

This Week’s Awards

Pupil of the week
Robins (nursery)George for wonderful story telling and care when playing with our new Pirate Playmobil.
Robins (reception)Jonathan for his effort and enjoyment in reading.
Owls (Y1)Ben for consistently being a role model and for leading thoughtful discussions.
Swallows (Y2)Martha for effort and enjoyment all the time but especially at athletics where she was a wonderful BAWB ambassador.
Kingfishers (Y3)Maciek, always upholding the RESPECT code, a great role model.
Golden Eagles (Y4)Theo for his enjoyment in school and having a mature approach to assessment week.
Merlins (Y5)Amelie for consistently putting in hard work leading to great work and great progress.
Merlins (Y6)Isaac for mature and responsible attitude during our leavers’ trip.

Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeDylan for demonstrating maturity, he’s kind and helpful, always supporting others.
AskriggAimee for always demonstrating impeccable manners.
West BurtonFlorence for her hard work and determination in all curriculum areas, a great year’s progress.

Good Samaritan AwardsFor courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children)
Nominated by
OwlsRose for asking him if he was okay when he fell off the climbing frame.Ben
Golden EaglesHarry for helping him in maths.Theo
Theo for helping him at break when playing a game.Harry
Lydia for coming over to her when she was lonely.Lily-Anne
Oliver for helping him when his ear was hurting.Caleb
MerlinsDylan for saving his team in football at breaktime.Archie
Miss Telford for giving up her lunch for Archie.Henry

Other Awards
Best Learning Space (classroom)Swallows
Most Effective Learning Environment (school)West Burton
Best class attendance Swallows (99%)