Weekly Newsflash! 29th November 2024
Coming up next week…
Monday | – N/R/Y1 Sports Club @ Bainbridge |
Tuesday | – LAST SESSION – Swimming Lessons – Forest Skills Club (Autumn Block 2) @ Askrigg |
Wednesday | – Singing Club @ Askrigg – Y2- 6 Sports Club @ Askrigg |
Thursday | – Clarinet Lessons – Bainbridge Open Afternoon (from 15:30) |
Friday | – Science Club @ Askrigg – Askrigg Open Afternoon (from 15:30) |
Headteacher’s Message
Dear families,
It has been a week of amazing cardboard creations! The Golden Eagles managed to build the biggest cardboard castle I think I have ever seen as part of their DT project and I have just been listening to some very happy Owls telling me about the amazing constructions they have made during their crafting class treat session. Thank you to all the parents who donated cardboard boxes – they have been put to very good use!
We are really looking forward to our Open Afternoons next week. These will take place from 15:30 onwards at Bainbridge on Thursday 5th December and then the same time at Askrigg on Friday 6th. We would encourage you to bring your children with you so they can show you their classroom but please can you remain responsible for them so the teachers are free to chat to parents. Thank you very much!
Have a lovely weekend and I hope to see many of you at our schools next week.

PTFA Christmas Fair
As the PTFA Christmas Fair quickly approaches, we are asking for donations of items such as chocolate bars, mince pies, wine, empty wine bottles and Christmas jumpers. The fair is taking place on Sunday 8th December at Askrigg Village Hall from 10am-3pm, and volunteers are needed! If you can spare a couple of hours, please let us know.

St. Andrew’s, Aysgarth Open Day!

Mother Christmas Event

Measuring the weight of different objects in Maths using our lovely new balance scales!

Practising our number formation on whiteboards

Some great discussions and questioning from the Owls this week.
In science we were using observations and ideas to explore melting and freezing. The children used some fantastic scientific language using solid and liquid as they observed the ice cubes in their hands. They also had some great suggestions as to how and why the ice would melt and what we could do to help release the toys from the ice!

In maths we have started our new unit looking at shape, this week solid shapes, again some fantastic vocabulary used as they compared their 3D shape with their partners. We could hear curved, faces, flat, roll, corners, well done everyone.

In computing we have been using the tools in 2Paint to re-create Mondrian art. Some very impressive mouse skills used to draw and fill shapes.

The Swallows have earned their next class reward and enjoyed a session of PE type games, head / catch and dodgeball were particularly favourites. After a great week in school, the Swallows are already on their way to their next reward!

In Monday’s PE the Swallows practised their balancing skills, whilst on Wednesday we returned to our unit on hands and completed a number of activities with indoor curling equipment, the Swallows were amazing at judging power whilst still keeping accuracy!

This week in science we planned and carried out an investigation to find a suitable material for an umbrella. We decided it needed to be waterproof, lightweight and strong, so whilst cling film and tin foil were both waterproof, they were not strong and tore easily, particularly if folded up like an umbrella.

Golden Eagles
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Golden Eagles! We are learning to play Jingle Bells on our clarinets and are very excited that we can now take them home to practice!
We have also had fun learning about Christingles and making ours ready for a special Christingle Service in School on Friday afternoon with Rev Tom.

A fun filled week in Herons this week. We have been really getting our teeth stuck into our writing based on ‘The Promise’. This week we have written some wonderful character and setting descriptions.

In DT the children have started creating their soft toys. Some wonderful sewing skills as well as lots of preserving on shown.

In Science we have continued our space unit and have looked at our solar system with a particular focus on how the sun, earth and moon interact with each other.

We also had some success outside of school this week with one of our pupils winning some awards at Wensleydale Young Musician of the year!

This week, the Merlins have been using D&T supplies and materials to construct their own ‘mini’ playground. They started off their topic by looking at different structures and what makes a ‘strong’ structure. They carefully planned out a bird’s eye view of their playgrounds and decided which materials and colours they were going to use when designing their model, to support them when creating it. The results are looking amazing – I can’t wait to see them all finished.

In English, we finished creating our own picture books based on our English focus, ‘Wisp’. The children have been working so hard on the content and illustrations over the past week and – finally! – finished them. We enjoyed a relaxing reading session to end our first English unit.