Weekly Newsflash! 19th April 2024

Published by Phoebe Martin on

Coming up next week…

Monday– Sports Club
Tuesday– Forest Skills Club
Wednesday – Y3 Tennis @ Reeth
– Singing Club
Thursday– Y5 DT, Food & Music Day @ TWS
– Cycle Club
– PTFA Meeting, 7:30pm @ The Falls Cafe, Aysgarth
Friday– Science Club
Sunday– Volunteer Tidy Up Day at Askrigg!


Headteacher’s Message

Dear Families,

Firstly, I would like to welcome three new members of staff to our schools. Miss Foster-Kerr, Miss Schofield and Miss Kelly joined us at the beginning of term and have already become an integral part of the team at the BAWB Federation. We are very glad to have them on board. You may also hear the children talking about Miss Brown; a student who is helping at our schools as part of her teacher training. She is showing great promise as a fledgling teacher, ably supported by her mentor, Mr Scrafton.

Sadly, we are also preparing ourselves to say goodbye to Mrs Chapman who has made the difficult decision to leave us after many years of service as a cook at West Burton. The whole team worked very hard to persuade her to come and cook at Askrigg next September but, after careful consideration, Mrs Chapman decided to take on additional work in her home village instead. We will miss her greatly. She will continue to work as a caretaker at West Burton so thankfully we don’t have to say a final goodbye.

Thank you for your responses to our survey about the temporary suspension of teaching at West Burton. The governors have looked closely at the questions and put together some answers which we would like to share with you all. Please click HERE to read.

We are very grateful to A Good Life for their donations of food recently. The project supports local communities through an Open Pantry, which is available in towns and villages across the area: The Hub, Hawes Market Hall; St Oswald’s Church, Askrigg; Dalesplay, Hawes and St Matthew’s Church, Leyburn. A Good Life is also able to help support families during the school holidays. 

Finally, our Year 5 children will be visiting The Wensleydale School on Thursday 25th April for a day of DT, food and music. This will be a wonderful chance for them to meet other Year 5 children in the area, to experience a secondary school environment and to enjoy a day of practical, engaging activities. The trip will take place within the school day and will not affect shuttle buses or home-school transport. The children need to be dressed in smart school uniform and to bring a coat and a water bottle.

Askrigg Tidy Up Day!

Bainbridge School – Car Park

Please can parents avoid driving onto the school grounds at Bainbridge. This is for the safety of all our pupils and staff, thank you for your co-operation.


Please find information regarding PE kits and instruments below!


Sunday Spring Craft and Forest Workshop

Safeguarding Item


PTFA News!

Before Easter, we sent home one raffle book with every child for the PTFA May Day Draw and we would love it if you could sell the tickets to family, friends, neighbours, colleagues etc. Tickets are £1 each. If you have sold your tickets – brilliant! – please send the stubs and the money into school no later than Wednesday 24th April (thank you to those who already have!). If you have any unsold tickets – please send them into school as soon as possible so we can sell them elsewhere. 

The next PTFA meeting is next Thursday 25th April at 19:30 at The Falls Cafe, Aysgarth. Please do come along and join us! Find the agenda HERE.

North Yorkshire Home to School Transport Consultation

As you will be aware the Council is currently consulting on changes to the Home to school travel policy – consultation | North Yorkshire Council, namely an amendment that would mean that children would only have eligibility to travel to one school, that being the nearest school to the home address. Please consider filling in the survey HERE to share your views.

North Yorkshire SEND Survey

North Yorkshire’s education, health and social care services are being jointly inspected by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to see how well they meet their responsibilities towards children and young people with SEN and disabilities (SEND). They would like to hear your views about the support that your child/young person receives and how it has helped your child. 

You can provide your views by completing an online survey HERE. What you share will be treated in confidence.

Dynamos Cricket

Dynamos Cricket provides a fantastic next step for all those graduating from All Stars Cricket and the perfect introduction for all 8-11 year-olds new to the sport! Dynamos is all about fun and provides children with a more social offer, focusing on developing the fundamental skills required to play cricket. Courses are available at Middleham CC & Richmondshire CC from May!


As we continue our topic on Life Cycles, we have done lots of investigating in Robins this week. The children were so excited to see the tadpoles that arrived. They observed them closely and have started some great observational drawings of the frog spawn and tadpoles. 

We are lucky enough to have real birds nests to explore. The children have been fascinated in how the birds build them and the different materials they use. The children have enjoyed recreating their own birds nests with a range of different materials, to  decide which materials make the most effective nests.

The children have planted their bean plants out and are looking after them carefully. They water them daily and have been interested to find out more about how the bean plant will change as it grows; from growing flowers that attract bees, to growing long bean pods when the flowers have died.

In Maths we are learning all about 3D shapes. The children have  been sorting the shapes in different ways, talking about the properties of the shapes. They then enjoyed making their own ‘castles’ using the shapes and were encouraged to talk about why they had used certain shapes for different parts of their model.


In Science this week we have continued with our work on plants.  we have planted flowers and started to compare the parts of a flower to the parts of a tree.  We explored the huge trees outside looking for their roots and checking for buds.  we have made our own labelled tree pictures using natural materials.

In music the children demonstrated their understanding of the vocabulary; tempo, pitch and rhythm, through clapping rhythms and singing the song we learnt last week.


Look how hard the Swallows have been concentrating on their Maths and English work this week! They have been putting so much effort into their learning.

It looks like the Swallows have been doing extra maths this week but actually we used our maths counters to help us make a rhythm in music! The red counters were a clap and the yellow counters were a stamp. The Swallows did a fabulous job of practising their rhythms and changing their rhythms around.

In computing, we have also been making music on the chrome books! We used chrome music lab and the children loved it!


This week the Kingfishers enjoyed a new challenge in English. Creating blackout poetry. We really enjoyed this and created some wonderful poetry.

This week in history we were working on our chronology skills. Plotting ancient Egypt on our own timelines as well as significant events during the civilisation.

In science this week we were looking at the parts of a plant. We managed to dissect some flowers and investigate the individual parts close up. 

Swallows and Kingfishers

In Collective Worship on Thursday, we talked about how important it is to encourage each other. We built Lego to “build” each other up and discussed how it feels when something or someone “tears us down”. The children did a brilliant job at giving positive, encouraging comments to each other and working as teams. 

Golden Eagles

This week Miss Brown started her trainee teacher placement in Golden Eagles. Over the next six weeks, Miss Brown will be observing teaching throughout the Federation and then putting her teaching skills into practise in the Golden Eagles classroom.

In PE, the Golden Eagles have started a new unit on Tennis. This half term we are focussing on developing our game by practising our forehand and backhand shots and by hitting the ball away from our opponent in order to win points.

The Golden Eagles finished off their Design and Technology project from last half term by creating their breakfast bars – yummy!


This week the Herons have been doing fabulous work on finding the perimeter and area of 2D shapes.

In computing, they have been producing vector drawings and learning about the benefits of using computers to draw.


This term in RE, the Merlins are looking at ‘Why Jesus had to die’. We started the unit by refreshing our memory of the ‘The Big Frieze’, illustrated by Emma Yarlett and piecing together the main parts of the Bible story in order. We discussed the clever illustrations and composition of objects in Yarlett’s illustration – finding hidden parts of parables and Bible stories within her work.

This week, the children enjoyed some acting and creating pieces of art to depict some of the perspectives about why Jesus had to die. The Merlins enjoyed creating freeze frames with Mrs Donno-Fuller; they acted out ‘bearing a burden’ and tried to capture how a Christian might feel when they have upset God and another showing how a Christian might feel after their sins had been forgiven.

In groups, the children created powerful pieces of artwork that express the idea of being lost and then found.

The Merlins have worked incredibly hard, this week in particular, as they have been preparing for SATs week. I am so impressed and proud of every single child, keep up the fabulous work Merlins!

This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
Robins (Nursery)Rory for always being so helpful and for having such lovely manners.
Robins (Reception)George for continuing to develop a piece of work over time – great labelling too!
Owls (Y1)Connie for effort in reading.  Connie is a confident reader but always seeks to improve her reading, this week she has been using punctuation to support with expression.
Swallows (Y2)Rocco for making a conscientious effort with presentation across all subjects.
Kingfishers (Y3)Martha for superb effort in English and showing creativity when writing her blackout poem.
Golden Eagles (Y4)Maisie for fantastic effort and enjoyment in maths.
Herons (Y5)Rafael for a fabulous attitude to all his learning.
Merlins (Y6)Amelie for her outstanding and consistent effort, behaviour and unconditional kindness in school every day. Amelie is a role model to her peers and a credit to the BAWB Federation. 

Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeCecilia for showing a mature attitude towards her learning.
AskriggArchie for progress in productivity and great problem-solving in maths.
West BurtonTheodore for taking the initiative to support his mum to raise funds for charity.

Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
KingfishersAidan for helping him after he’d fallen off the stage.Archie
Lizzy for helping Rosie when she was sad. Martha
Myles for being funny and cheerful all the time.Sammy
Golden EaglesElsie and Louisa for coming over to her when she was on her own and asking her to play.Beatrice QB
HeronsAva and Beatrice (Merlins) for helping Eve.Lily-Anne
MerlinsDylan for being honest and returning his key ring when he found it in the classroom. Toby
Amelie and Hollie F for always making her laugh.Jo

Tidiest ClassroomSwallows
Best School LibraryAskrigg
House Point Winning Team Dormice
Best Class AttendanceOwls & Swallows – 100%