Weekly Newsflash! 15 September 2023

Published by John on


Great news: your class’s timetable is ready. Click on your child’s class name below to see it.

Golden Eagles

Mrs Baldwin

We are looking forward to welcoming Mrs Baldwin to a celebration assembly in the near future where we will have the opportunity to say goodbye to her properly. We will let you know when this date is confirmed.


As we get into the new school year, BAWB PTFA would like to extend a warm welcome to all families, particularly those who are new to BAWB this year. The PTFA  exists to support the enrichment of the children of our schools and strengthen the school community. We meet once every half term and put on a range of events to both raise money and to provide fun social activities for our children and families. Everyone is welcome to our meetings (they’re not just for the committee) and we would love to see as many people as possible at our first of the year, which is also our AGM. Please come along on Thursday 28 September, 7:30, at the Falls Coffee House in Aysgarth. 

At the AGM, our current committee stands down and all places are available for the next year. We are pleased that we have four people happy to take on the role of the officers (Chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer), but we are looking for one more member. This member doesn’t have a designated role, and so it’s a nice way to join the committee without taking on any particular responsibility. So if you’re planning on coming along to the meetings, please consider whether you could also be the fifth member of the committee. We thank Liz Tooley, who is stepping down, for all of her contributions over the last few years. 

Don’t forget our car boot sale to raise funds for the PTFA takes place on Sunday 24th September in West Witton. If you can volunteer an hour of your time, please either respond to our Facebook poll, or get in touch with Helen Dinsdale. We’re also looking for baking donations for the cake stall, so send your goodies into school on Friday 23rd, or bring along on the morning of the car boot sale. Please encourage family, friends, neighbours etc to come along!

Upper Wensleydale Benefice


Squash Stars!


Wellbeing in Mind – Autism Parent Session



Did you know you can synchronise our calendar with our school calendar? Click here to visit the calendar and click the link at the bottom of the page that says ‘subscribe to calendar’ – this will enable you to push events out to your personal calendars.


Is there a doctor in the house?
We make our own play dough. It’s a sticky business but if you keep kneading it it makes perfect pizzas and pancakes.
We’ve loved feeding ‘food’ to our babies with the playdough that we’ve made ourselves!
This train track goes a very long way!
We’ve also enjoyed exploring and counting materials from our outdoor maths shed and placing them onto Ten Frames. 


Another busy week for the Owls!

The children enjoyed their first yoga session of the year, a lovely start to the week.

We have had the very important job of reviewing some story books as part of the children’s book awards, we listened to the four stories and then voted for our favourite the book that received the most votes was ‘The Blue Footed Booby’ by Rob Biddulph, we loved the jokes and, as expected, the illustrations were great too.

In science this week we were using our scientific skills to seek patterns and answer the question “Do older children always have the biggest feet?”.  We drew round our feet, cut them out  and then ordered them by age, using our birthday wall to help.  We can confirm that the answer is no, the youngest owl had the second largest feet!


A busy week in the Swallows again! We have been loving Maths again, and writing this week! 

In Maths, we have been using place value charts for the first time. We are getting better and better at counting our tens and ones and our problem solving has been brilliant. Tiny the turtle in our maths books needs a lot of help with her Maths! We have even been writing numbers as words which can be a bit confusing (four and forty being a perfect example!) but the Swallows have worked their socks off and have made great progress. 

In RE, we learnt the story of Muhammad and the cat. We acted the story out then wrote the story in our books. So much beautiful writing was produced! 

In Art, we have been starting to look at the work of Laura McKendry who uses charcoal to draw dogs. We looked at what inspires her and wrote what we liked about her work. We even experimented with some charcoal ourselves! We used hairspray to make the charcoal set in our sketchbooks which the children found very entertaining! 


The Kingfishers have had another busy week. Here you can see some snapshots of what we have been up to. 

We are now well underway with our Power of Reading and this week tried some hot-seating for the very first time. We have also been working on our grammar and spelling skills this week and have seen some good improvements.

In science we have looked at identifying bones in the body and understanding their functions. Please ask us over the weekend to see what we can remember. 

The Kingfishers also enjoyed art this week where they were introduced to the artist Laura McKendry.

Golden Eagles

The Golden Eagles have had a fantastic week and are settling into their new school environment.

In Art the Golden Eagles are considering how art can be used to tell stories and had a wonderful lesson using their own choice of media to make visual notes on the work of the illustrator Laura Carlin.

The Golden Eagles continued their work on classifying and grouping living things, firstly by searching the forest school area for invertebrates and then by using classification keys to classify and group different animals. The Golden Eagles were fascinated by the invertebrate above, which Nico identified as the Larvae of a beetle when he extended his learning at home.


This week, the Herons began learning about typography in art. We began by experimenting with shape and form, cutting up a variety of shapes and maneuvering them to create different letters.


The Merlins are well and truly getting into the swing of things! We are loving our new tennis focus and are currently working on the significant components involved in winning a doubles match. The co-ordination between the children was extremely impressive and I look forward to seeing their progress in the coming weeks. 

This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
Robins (Reception)Charlie for super effort during Phonics and great listening during group activities.
Owls (Y1)Jonathan for his effort and responsibility in all that he does, a great start to year 1.
Swallows (Y2)Aimee for her enthusiasm for learning in all subjects; particularly maths.
Kingfishers (Y3)Martha for a polite, mature and hard-working start to Year 3.
Golden Eagles (Y4)Nico for continuing his learning at home by researching the mystery invertebrate.
Herons (Y5)Callum for a wonderful start to Year 5, meeting all aspects of the RESPECT code.
Merlins (Y6)Eve for her exemplary behaviour, politeness and kindness towards her peers and teachers.

Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeCallum P for a really positive and productive start to the new school year.
AskriggJo H for setting a wonderful example to her peers: being such an enthusiastic learner and a positive role model.
West BurtonBeatrice C for setting a wonderful example to her peers: being such a positive role model.

Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
SwallowsAidan for helping him pick up his books when he dropped them.Rocco
Sammy for helping Aidan when he banged his head.Ben
KingfishersOlivia for helping her to tidy up when she knocked the pencil pot off the table.Rosie
Olivia and Martha for cheering her up at breaktime.Lizzy
Golden EaglesMaciej for helping with her books.Maisie
HeronsRafael for helping him in maths.Harry
MerlinsEve for giving the book she was selected to read to Archie.Sam

Rewarding Reading

HeronsLily-Ann (10)
Caleb (10)
Theo (10)
MerlinsDylan (25)

Congratulations to…

Lexi Metcalfe– Young lives v Cancer – Lexi has raised £320 so far!
– 50 metre swimming
Ruby and Douglas Dinsdale– Lots of awards from Kilnsey show!

Best Learning Space (classroom)Golden Eagles
Most Effective learning Environment (school)Askrigg
House Point Winning Team Red Squirrels
Best Class AttendanceRobins, Swallows, and Kingfishers (100%)

ClassRESPECT Ambassador
Golden EaglesRene