Robins Weekly Update 24.09.21

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Another busy week in Robins! Thank you to all of the children that have excitedly brought things into school for our nature table. We have a real variety of leaves in Autumn colours, conkers, berries and potatoes! These have all provided the children with opportunities for discussion by describing what they look and feel like and the changes they have gone through as Autumn nears. 

We had another lovely walk in the sunshine on Monday afternoon, where we spotted more signs of Autumn and gathered even more leaves for our nature table!


Our story of the week has been Goldilocks and The Three Bears. We have been busy acting out the story in the Home corner, as well as using small story sack characters to retell the story in our own words. We have been encouraging early writing skills with our reception and nursery children by providing letter templates to The Three Bears, where children have been writing sorry notes from Goldilocks. It has been great to see some of our reception children writing some of the letter sounds they have been learning in phonics, in their letters from Goldilocks and our nursery children have had some very thoughtful ideas about what their writing says.


We have moved on from washing and caring for our babies last week, to washing their clothes! The children have really enjoyed washing the clothes in the water tray, with soap, then hanging them up to dry.


Forest Schools has been enjoyed by all on Thursday, with lots of flags, medals and pretend fires made using Autumn leaves.  Please do bear in mind the changing weather and make sure children come to school dressed appropriately on Thursdays, with coats, wellies and waterproofs, so they can enjoy Forest Schools to the fullest.

Categories: Robins News