Robins update 01.10.21

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This week has been all about matching and sorting for the Robins- with a little bit of Goldilocks and the Three Bears!


Our story of the week has been ‘Simon Sock’, all about an odd sock that wants to find his matching pair. Following on from this, the children have really enjoyed hanging up lots socks on the washing line, in their pairs. We have also explored different ways that groups of objects can be sorted into two groups. The children came up with some great ideas- one of my favourite ideas was sorting the shells into ‘lumpy’ and ‘smooth’ groups!


To continue our theme of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the children have enjoyed making and tasting some porridge. The children were encouraged to talk about how the porridge mixture changed as the milk was added and the porridge was heated up. They were also asked to describe what the porridge tasted like. We had some great words like; ‘smooth’, ‘soft’, ‘creamy’, ‘sweet’.

The children have also been busy using the large wooden blocks to make beds and chairs for Baby Bear.


The wetter weather hasn’t stopped lots of fun being had in the water tray this week. We have noticed some fabulous cooperation, team work and fun as the children worked together to pour water down the guttering, trying to stop it falling through any gaps.


c, k, u, b, f have been taught this week, and the children are doing so well! It is also great to see some of our reception children writing independently in our other areas throughout the day, using their phonic knowledge. Playing ‘schools’ is another popular activity, where the children take it in turns to be the teacher, teaching phonics.


The children have loved learning about making spider webs. They have also enjoyed making mini clay spiders, along with stick owls and mud art!

Categories: Robins News