Egg-cellent Egg Decorating Competition

Published by Phoebe Martin on

This is no yoke, I am egg-static to announce that the egg-cellent Egg Decorating Competition is back for another cracking year! (okay I shall stop yoking around now!)

All pupils and adults are invited to bring in their decorated egg on Wednesday the 6th of April for judging by our eggs-pert judges (sorry, I am taking it to the egg-streme now).
There are prizes for each class and a special egg-stravagent prize for the best egg decorated by an adult, you gotta be in it to win it – isn’t it egg-citing!

Please have the entrants name and class (or adult) written clearly with the egg.

Thank you to the egg-stremely fantastic PTFA for donating the prizes, they are wonderful, you ought to go to their meetings if you can!

Winners will be announced on Friday 8th of April!