Team Work makes the Snowman work!
Great teamwork in the Robins today. What an awesome snowman!
Great teamwork in the Robins today. What an awesome snowman!
We made our speckled frogs. They sat on a not very speckled log but they did catch some juicy flies. Making the frogs was easy. Balancing the flies on the tongues was more challenging. We have watched a video of frogs catching flies with their tongues. It’s amazing. We have Read more…
We have been thinking about prayers and saying sorry during lent. Often Christians light candles when praying We talked about the cross as a sign of Jesus’s resurrection. A symbol that we look for at Easter
Bainbridge Parish Council have formed a small committee of local residents to plan how the Parish will mark the Platinum Jubilee. As part of the plans, they would like to invite pupils from the BAWB Schools to take part in a painting competition. Details of this are given below:- Read more…
Showing great problem solving by standing the golf tees up on their flat surface so they don’t roll out of the shape. He can see that the star is a five pointed star.
We are ordering the pictures that show a life cycle of a frog. Yes it’s that time again – frogspawn! Hooray
We loved this game! We rolled the dice, then printed that number of dinosaur footprints onto the paper
There has been lots of water fun this week. The children have been filling, emptying, and pouring. We have encouraged language such as, “full”, “half full”, “nearly full” and “empty”.
Maths has been all about making repeating patterns. The children are getting really good at coming up with more complex patterns.