1st October 2021

Pupil of the week Robins Ed, for making such a super start to being our RESPECT ambassador. Ed puts effort into everything he does and always listens carefully. Owls Myles, for effort with his phonics and reading. Golden Eagles Amelie, for amazing effort and accomplishment in our art project. Merlins Read more…

24th September 2021

Pupil of the week Robins Connie, for her effort and enjoyment in all of our activities in Robins. Owls Lizzy, for her enthusiasm in all aspects of the curriculum, in particular her contribution to class discussions, using a range of well-chosen vocabulary to describe and explain her ideas. Golden Eagles Read more…

17th September 2021

Pupil of the week Robins Oscar, for making a real effort to follow our RESPECT code. Oscar has lovely manners and has listened very carefully in class. Owls Theodore, for a fantastic start to year 1, demonstrating effort and enjoyment in all areas, particularly PE. Golden Eagles Holly Manock, for Read more…

10th September 2021

Pupil of the week Robins Maizie, for making such an effort to be a welcoming and helpful friend to our new nursery starters this week. Thank you Maizie! Owls Joey, for following all aspects of the RESPECT code. Golden Eagles Jo, for a fantastic attitude to learning. Jo has shown Read more…