
In Geography, the Swallows have explored physical and human reasosn for areas of dense and populations and have then used secondary sources to identify areas of dense and sparse populations in the Unite States of America. Next week the Swallows will compare the populations of cities in the United Kingdom Read more…


The Swallows have recently taken part in a virtual Mosque Tour, arranged through Interfaith. Fatima Ayub (a Muslim faith tutor) guided the children around a Mosque in Bradford and then answered the children’s questions in a live Question and Answer session. The children asked thoughtful questions and gained a deeper Read more…


This week the Golden Eagles were evaluating their last ‘changing the state of a material experiment’ in Science. We came to the conclusion that our previous experiment was incredibly flawed and researched what we need to do to make our experiment ‘fair’. We identified our independent, dependent and controlled variables Read more…