Covid Restriction Update

We will continue do everything we can to keep school open and children learning. We continue to need and appreciate your support. The headline from the latest guidance states: There is no longer a legal requirement for people with coronavirus (COVID-19) infection to self-isolate, however if you have any of Read more…

World Book Day

Don’t forget all the wonderful activities we have planned for World Book Day this week. Click here to see the full post. We recognise that as parents you have missed the opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher in person over the last few years, or indeed to see your Read more…

18th February 2022

Pupil of the week Robins Annie, for effort and enjoyment in Maths (great subitising!) and for being such a good listener- always ready to make the right choices during independent learning. Owls Rosie B, for her effort in maths, working hard to understand place value. Golden Eagles Hugo, for excellent Read more…

11th February 2022

Pupil of the week Robins Jemima, for her effort and progress in Phonics. Jemima is really enjoying our phonics sessions, which is so lovely to see. Owls Myles, for effort and enjoyment in art. He has worked very hard on his Carnival painting, using vibrant colours, filling all of the Read more…

Gender and sport

Over time I have received a number of queries / concerns about splitting competitive sports into separate girls’ and boys’ events. Whilst we completely recognise the value of mixed teams, and see a shift towards this at a local level, the events which we enter through school are usually affiliated Read more…

4th February 2022

Pupil of the week Robins Lexi, for her infectious enthusiasm for learning and for the way she always confidently talks about what she is doing and how she is feeling. Owls Martha, for her effort and enjoyment in maths. She has been challenging herself to try different tasks and share Read more…