A fresh and chilly start

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Happy New Year to you all. And a warm welcome to Mrs. Pickard-Sparne. She has settled in very well and is a great addition to the team. 

It has been a different week with only Reception and three days of learning. But as always we have made the most of them. How convenient that the weather is matching our topic – Cold Places. Anyone would think we had planned it that way! 

So the children have been questioning what will happen to water in the cold weather. They have quite a few variables including quantity, size of container and location. So if you see lots of random containers scattered around our  outdoor area, do not think we are being untidy. This is science. Actually, to be honest with you, we are hoping for the ‘Tidiest Classroom’ award this week. Mrs. Johnston has tidied her shelves and nursery haven’t been in, so fingers crossed. 

We have also been researching animals that live in the arctic and antarctic. We used a globe and a map to locate these places. We were especially interested in the blue whale. We have been introduced to new vocabulary such as baleen plates, krill and blowholes. We will look into this further next week. 

Maths has been fun with zero the hero and dinosaurs on buses for counting, adding and subtracting. 

We are looking forward to seeing the nursery children on Monday, especially our new starters. 

Hope we still have snow for our walk. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Love Robins xx 

Categories: Robins News