Week One Round Up

Published by Phoebe Martin on

We didn’t do a website update last weekend but I didn’t want you to miss out on these!

The Swallows enjoyed exploring their new library and selecting a book to take home. They also chose a book to nominate as a class reading book. Following our democratic vote, we have chosen Whizz Bang Whinnie to read.

In our Wednesday PE sessions we are learning about effective jumping in games and sports. To practise our jumping we played “Snakes and Lilypads” and “Mud Monsters”. The Swallows showed fantastic jumping skills – perhaps we have the next Jonathan Edwards or Inessa Kravets!

This half term, we are looking at the Gunpowder Plot in more depth. To start off the topic we placed the Gunpowder Plot on a timeline of Key Stage 1 history topics. Unfortunately as this includes Yorkshire Lead Mining, which the Romans started in or around 120AD, the timeline had to be drawn on the playground! The children also looked at how things have changed since the time of the Plot.

In science we started our topic on materials by indentifying, classifying and grouping materials by their properties. 

To help us with our listening we played Jangly Keys and then used our listening skills to listen to each other share what we did in the holidays.

This half term we are focusing on the key question “Who is a Muslim and what do they believe?” To help us answer this question we looked at one of the stories of Muhammad – Muhammad and the cat. Ask your swallow to tell you all about it, but don’t let them act it out with your best coat!

The children have learnt that Information Technology is computers or something that works with a computer and they worked hard to identify examples and non-examples of this. 

Categories: Swallows News