18th March 2022

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Pupil of the week
RobinsRuby, for super listening and responding during our phonics game this week.
OwlsPippa, for embracing every aspect of her learning. She is always full of enthusiasm and contributes wonderful ideas and responses to questions. We love how Pippa will bring things in from home or work on something later in the day linked to her learning.
Golden EaglesLily, for consistent effort and enjoyment in every lesson and homework task.
MerlinsAlice for consistent effort in every aspect of the RESPECT code. Settling a brilliant example to her peers.
SwallowsMaciek, for listening carefully to instructions and taking responsibility for his own learning in computing.
SkylarksCallum, for taking responsibility for his learning: developing independence and enjoyment of writing.
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeAidan: for responsibility and choices. Aidan has absolutely embodied all that we say about kindness and community. He has supported his peers gently, maturely, and with genuine compassion.
AskriggMartha: for responsibility and choices. Martha has demonstrated real empathy and been a source of huge support for her peers.
West BurtonEdward: for politeness. Edward has exceptional manners and is an excellent role model for his peers.
Tidiest Classroom AwardSkylarks
Best Class AttendanceGolden Eagles – 97.14%
House Point Winning TeamRed Squirrels

Categories: Awards