11th February 2022

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Pupil of the week
RobinsJemima, for her effort and progress in Phonics. Jemima is really enjoying our phonics sessions, which is so lovely to see.
OwlsMyles, for effort and enjoyment in art. He has worked very hard on his Carnival painting, using vibrant colours, filling all of the page.
Golden EaglesMartha, for effort and enjoyment in art: this week creating a detailed reproduction of Hans Holbein’s portrait of Henry VIII.
MerlinsWillow, for consistent maximum effort and showing courageous advocacy
SwallowsFlorence for brilliant expression when reading!
SkylarksZoe, for effort: demonstrating resilience when swimming and overcoming her fears.
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeGeorgie B, for consistently upholding the RESPECT code. Her politeness is especially notable.
AskriggJoseph T, for his mature and increasingly confident attitude to learning.
West BurtonBeatrice C, for her consistent effort leading to good progress.
Tidiest Classroom AwardSwallows
Best Class AttendanceSkylarks (98.3%)
House Point Winning TeamOtters

Categories: Awards