Robins Update 08.10

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As we move closer towards Autumn we have been embracing some Autumnal activities in Robins! Some children have really enjoyed creating leaf rubbing pictures, as well as leaf paintings in Autumn colours. One of our most popular activities this week though had to be our little leaf people! The children chose a leaf, drew arms, legs, other features and added googly eyes. The children really enjoyed giving their leaf person a name too! 


Our book of the week for this week (and next week) is the story, ‘The Little Red Hen’. It provides lots of valuable learning, including giving children the opportunity to use fantastic story language as they have a go at acting out the story using small world characters. Our reception children also had a go at using their growing phonics knowledge to find the correct sounds to spell out character words such as, ‘hen’, ‘dog’, ‘red’, ‘wiyt’ (wheat). Next week, as the story is about a hen that cuts wheat to make into bread, the children will be able to enjoy making bread in school- a great way for us to start talking about Harvest too.


The reception children continue to focus really well during their phonics sessions. They were very excited to start learning their first ‘special friend’ sound ‘sh’ this week! They will continue to bring home sound sheets of the sounds we have been learning this week on Fridays. In addition, every half term, in line with the RWI phonics scheme, we focus on a story or poem in class. This is to further encourage children to develop a love of story time. As the children become more familiar with the story, they are able to join in with more of the actions and words as it is read. Our story this half term is, The Ugly Duckling. The children are already remembering the story and joining in with words and actions which is great to see. They are also learning the meaning of unfamiliar words, such as ‘reflection’ and explored their feelings about words such as ‘ugly’. The reception children will bring home a copy of the story for you to enjoy reading with them at home next week.


Maths has been all about comparing this week. All the Robins have been busy using the language ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to compare the amount of objects in two groups. They have also compared the lengths of objects, using the language ‘longer’ and ‘shorter’ and made ‘tall’ and ‘short’ towers with the crates outside. They have been busy comparing the size of objects by finding ‘big’, ‘small’, ‘large’, ‘little’ items appropriate for our different sized teddy bears at their picnic!


Aren’t the children’s self-portraits fab?! I just love each of these paintings. All the children concentrated so well on colour mixing and the size, shape and position of their features. The captions for each portrait are fantastic too-apologies if they aren’t clear enough to see from the angle I had to take the photo! 

And a huge thank you for making sure the children came to school with the appropriate clothes to enjoy Forest Schools this week. I hear the s’mores and toasted marshmallows went down a treat!

Thank You

Also, a very big thank you to Mr Cromey-Hawke who has been very kind and busy helping to sort out the equipment in our outdoor storage shed in the big playground! We really appreciate his help.

Categories: Robins News