7th October 2022

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This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
RobinsDexter H for taking responsibility for himself and others and showing kindness to others.
OwlsAimee T for carefully listening to instructions in PE.
SwallowsJoey T for making good choices and taking responsibility for his behaviour
KingfishersEllie F for her effort with reading, developing her expression and comprehension skills.
Golden EaglesHugo P for his continued effort and perseverance in Maths.
MerlinsMartha K for always having a mature and responsible approach to her learning.
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeOscar H for following all aspects of our RESPECT code, a very mature and responsible attitude.
AskriggAnnie T for responsibility, helping to support others within the Early Years setting, showing kindness and maturity.
West BurtonBeatrice C for her cheery outlook and positive approach to school life.
Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
RobinsRosie E for helping the children in nursery.Connie
OwlsAimee for always helping if someone is sad or hurt.Ben
SwallowsTheodore for sharing his computing skills to help people or always being kind at break times.Martha
KingsfishersNico for always being kind and helpful.Sidney
Golden EaglesJames for helping to tidy up the plates at lunch.William
Hugo for passing and being a great team player at the Tag Rugby competition.Tristan
Abe, Rafael and Oliver for helping him when he was hurt in the lunch line.Harry
Lily-Anne for being a great friend when she was upset.Lydia
MerlinsWilliam S for looking after other people and always being a kind friend.Archie
Best Learning Space (classroom)Kingfishers
Most Effective learning Environment (school)West Burton
House Point Winning Team Dormice