4th November 2022

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This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
RobinsRonnie for taking responsibility for our learning environment in EYFS.
OwlsCharlie for fantastic work on fact families in Maths.
SwallowsTheodore for enjoyment and effort in his new RWI group.
KingfishersRene for her positive approach to learning, always ready and eager to learn!
Golden EaglesOliver for his politeness and caring attitude towards his peers.
MerlinsJohnny making a mature start to Year 5 displaying this brilliantly in his attitude towards football this week. 
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeEmma C, for remembering lots of key information in geography
AskriggIsaac S, for being a good sportsman, supporting his team at the football tournament despite being unable to play due to injury.
West BurtonOlivia, for being a great follower of the RESPECT code.  A great role model, always smart, responsible, putting in lots of effort and showing enjoyment.
Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
RobinsOtto for helping them when they needed a neighbour.Willow and Ceci
OwlsEd  for helping someone up in the playground when they fell over.Ben
Golden EaglesAbe and Theo for helping him in the line when he was hurt.Harry
Lily for helping her pick up the pencil pot even though they aren’t on the same table.Lily-Anne
MerlinsDec for supporting him with his injured arm.Isaac
Ava for being a good friend and having a positive attitude.Beatrice QB
Best Learning Space (classroom)Merlins
Most Effective learning Environment (school)Askrigg
House Point Winning Team Dormice
Best Class AttendanceSwallows (100%)