20th May 2022

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Pupil of the week
RobinsSeth, Annie, Zoey, and Albert, for effort and enjoyment in biking resulting in amazing pedaling!
OwlsAidan, for his effort with his homework. Aidan always completes his homework and loves to share any extra learning with the class.
Golden EaglesTommy, for taking responsibility for his learning by using prior learning in his recent English lesson.
MerlinsJoseph, for his ever–increasing confidence and showing great maturity, acting as a role model to everyone in school.
SwallowsRene, for always following every aspect of the RESPECT code.
SkylarksBeatrice C, for lots of enthusiasm and effort in reading and writing.
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeHarry B, for considerable effort to be ready to learn: listening, organising himself, and sitting smartly.
AskriggLizzy M, for her progress and increased confidence in reading.
West BurtonZoe B, for a transformed approach to learning! Zoe is increasingly engaged, enthused, and diligent.
Tidiest Classroom AwardSkylarks
Best Class AttendanceSkylarks – 100%
House Point Winning Team Dormice
Pen licencesCaelan and Matilda.

Categories: Awards