14th October 2022

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This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
RobinsJames for effort and enjoyment in all areas and working alongside lots of different children brilliantly.
OwlsOscar for brilliant progress with letter formation.
SwallowsMartha for taking responsibility for the learning of her friends as well as her own.
KingfishersIsla for effort in PE. Using taught skills to improve her attack and defence in dodgeball.
Golden EaglesJacob for his effort and enjoyment and demonstrating what a great team player and sportsman looks like.
MerlinsBeatrice C for having a positive outlook on school always showing enthusiasm.
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeZoey C, for her thoughtful comments about who keeps us safe.
AskriggAlbert K, for thinking really carefully (and sharing his thoughts) about how we keep safe.
West BurtonEd C, for talking maturely about risks and how we keep safe (and who helps us to do so).
Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
RobinsLexi for helping him when he injured his head.Otto
OwlsRocco for helping nursery children on the playground.Ada
SwallowsAidan – when Archie had no one to play with, Aidan came and asked him to join in his game.Archie
KingsfishersFearne for coming to see her when she was on the Buddy Bench.Maisie
Golden EaglesOliver for helping people when they are sad.James
Rafael for helping people when they are upset and for being an ‘amazing role model’.Otis
MerlinsMartha for helping her when she was running late for PE – giving up her own time to help. 
Beatrice also nominates Martha for cheering her up the other day when she was feeling a little bit down.
Ava and Beatrice QB
Best Learning Space (classroom)Golden Eagles
Most Effective learning Environment (school)West Burton
House Point Winning Team Red Squirrels
Best Class AttendanceGolden Eagles (100%)