The Wensleydale Tournament of Song

Published by Phoebe Martin on

As the tournament draws to a close for another year we have once again been amazed by our pupils’ camaraderie and sportsmanship. How each of them epitomizes our RESPECT code in everything they do makes us very proud.

Participation in an event such as The Wensleydale Tournament of Song is such an important and worthwhile experience for our pupils, building on so many life skills, as well as being great fun!

We have some very important thank yous for all the support and advice to be able to take part in this event:
This event could not run if it wasn’t for the incredible volunteers at WTofS. This year has been incredibly well organised and welcoming.
Thank you to Mrs Stone, Mrs Loughlin, Mrs Allenby and Mrs Clark who have helped, advised, supported, taught, played, conducted our pupils so that they could confidently stand up and shine. And shine they did!
And, of course, thank you to each of you who has supported our pupils at home with practising; reassured any last minute nerves; and managed to come to watch any of this week’s events. It has been a fabulous week to be part of the BAWB family.

There was no filming or photography allowed at the Tournament so we hope you enjoy these pictures, of some of our pupils, taken today.