What a wonderful week in Robins!
Glorious. That’s what it has been this week in Robins. Our new starters are very settled with routines and expectations and the weather is amazing. The children have been shedding coats as soon as they work up a sweat. The sun just keeps on shining. We have made lots of shadows in funny shapes as we climb, swing, scramble and jump on the park equipment. Some of us have played a fun game trying to run away from our shadows.
Maths has been comparing weights and using suitable language whilst investigating. We are also focusing on number formation.
We have made some lovely penguins to go on our Polar Regions display. Obviously in the planning the objectives refer to shape recognition, fine motor skill control, following step-by-step instructions etc., but at the end of the day, they are simply soooo cute. Can’t wait to see how the polar bears turn out next week.
Unfortunately, the equator keeps going missing. This is a shame as Rocco kindly brought in his own globe for us to explore and someone keeps peeling off the equator. On the plus side, children are being exposed regularly to the question, ‘Where is the equator?’
This weeks focused vocabulary is from One Snowy Night:
shivering, cosy, warm, snuggled, scraping, miserable – please try and use these words in everyday conversation.
Next week we are exploring animals who live in the Arctic Circle and then we shall move on from Polar Regions to something a bit warmer.
Have a super weekend. Fingers crossed the weather stays fine,
Love Robins xx